Dr Deagle Show – Texe Marrs (5-Jan-11)(REVOLUTIONARY TIMES series – Politics)

The ‘REVOLUTION’ may not be ‘TELEVISED’ – but if ‘YOU SEARXCH’ you will ‘SEE’ it on ‘YOUTUBE’ – use it before they ‘PULL IT’… *For ‘QUALITY INFORMATION’ (QI), videos, news and features contained in our Associate Channels and Digital Information Platforms, Google ‘yousearxch-‘ (followed by ‘name’ or ‘series title’) for a ‘global search’ or click on ‘yousearxch’ tag, for YouTube only search. YouInformation

Terence McKenna – Utopianism and Millenarianism (PHILOSOPHICAL DISCOURSE series)

*For more detailed ‘INFORMATION’ or ‘SEARCH’ on the ‘AUTHOR’, ‘SUBJECT’ and ‘RELATED TOPICS’ use our ‘YOUSEARXCH’ facility – Google – TheYouArchive2010- followed by – the authors ‘NAME’/’TITLE’ or – ‘SERIES’ title. *For ‘QUALITY INFORMATION’ (QI), videos, news and features contained in our Associate Channels and Digital Information Platforms, Google ‘yousearxch-‘ (followed by ‘name’ or ‘series title’) for a ‘global search’ or click on ‘yousearxch’ tag, for YouTube only search. TheYouArchive2011

John Anthony West – Ancient Mysteries (REVOLUTION IN MIND series )

The ‘REVOLUTION’ may not be ‘TELEVISED’ – but if ‘YOU SEARXCH’ you will ‘SEE’ it on ‘YOUTUBE’ – use it before they ‘PULL IT’… *For ‘QUALITY INFORMATION’ (QI), videos, news and features contained in our Associate Channels and Digital Information Platforms, Google ‘yousearxch-‘ (followed by ‘name’ or ‘series title’) for a ‘global search’ or click on ‘yousearxch’ tag, for YouTube only search. YouInformation