Teito // Fuckin’ Perfect [07-Ghost]

I got perfect wuality episodes without a watermark! *-* Thank you checkmatey14 ! :3 If you need em too, just ask me 🙂 You know what? I am actually really proud of the result! 😀 I worked so hard at this! You don’t want to know how much time it costs XD BUT it was definitely worth it and so much fun! **SONY VEGAS MESSED UP AT 1:30 ;_____; WHYY?? See those black borders that were supposed to be borders? THEY WERE PERFECT BUT THE RENDERING RUINED IT! ;_____:** A lot of people listen music just for the music. They don’t really listen to the text, don’t realize the actual meaning of it. We ‘video editors’ listen a lot better off course but still. For the people that do not listen that much, try to do it sometimes! It makes the songs even more beautiful :3 And so is this song. ‘You are perfect to me.’ Just be yourself, that’s enough! Yes this was made with only pictures 🙂 except from the explosion, the white feather and the eeh.. bell? And yes it was a lot of masking work, haha xD This isn’t a Diferse Fusion Studio because I’m going to use this vid as an audition vid for another studio, so sorry Kevin ;p If you have been addicted to the song “Fuckin’ perfect by Pink” then my little, skip the first chorus, might be annoying at first, I thought so too, but I know a way to solve it ;; Make sure you watch this vid like a 100 time and you get used to it, it worked for me ;p Geez, why aremy vids always blokked in Germany? I want to thank ebily (even if she doesn’t read this) for