The Alex Jones Show 1/3:Bankster Holiday Planned for September?

BANKSTER ” HOLIDAY ” PLANNED FOR SEPTEMBER?? Kurt Nimmo Infowars June 22, 2009 Bob Chapmans influential International Forecaster is reporting on the possibility of a so-called bank holiday planned for late August or early September. According to Chapmans sources, US embassies around the world are selling dollars and stockpiling money from respective countries where they operate. [[ FDR imposed a bank holiday soon after taking office. It resulted in the government …

33 thoughts on “The Alex Jones Show 1/3:Bankster Holiday Planned for September?”

  1. I’m not gonna worry about it. It would be pretty hard for them to find me anyway.

  2. they should make a T-Shirt “we’re all crack whores thanks to the FDR”

  3. Crack ***** lol

    babylon that great harlot who made the nations drunk. Revlations

  4. which translation are you talking about? King James? Latin? New International Version?

  5. Woooord. with here wine now she’s falling and all the Merchants will bawl their eyes out.

  6. USA: homeless, workless, bankrupts… prostitution, drugs… What kind of “freedom” is that?
    What a shame country!.

  7. There is no more gullible ,mindless zombie,useless eater,lazy person than the American people.
    And the elites know this ,as they strip away all industry they have marked the American people for death. the Mexicans are those that will work the
    farms for pennies on the dollar,all that will remain are farms ,the medical industry and the service industry. mostly all manned by Mexicans. while the Americans are rounded up and sent away to their underground resting places.

  8. Alex is right… I feel like a crack hoe carrying a strapped mattress on my back, scrapping the calluses of my feet, sleeping in my own urine and wearing “come f—k me pumps” just to make a buck. Let’s all take a bank holiday… Just through me in the river when you are finished with me!

    Very funny posting… especially at the end! Thanks

  9. was that what samuel l jackson said in pulp fiction , or is danny really him……the lord god i mean,.. just wondering “amen”

  10. if you played monopoly with some people and the ‘banker’ put all the money in his pocket, said he could use it how he chooses, ”dont worry i’ll count it later” he says whilst he starts rewriting the rules to the game. Another player objects the banker offers him acouple of 500’s everytime he passes go and so he agrees and goes along… The banker buys or confiscates every property wether he lands on it or not, how long before you say, no this is no fun i’m not playing anymore?
    its not a game!

  11. people its not to late to be saved! in romans ch10 vers 9-11
    that if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead, you will be saved! for with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. in acts ch 2 vers 38
    then peter said to them repent ,and let every one of you be baptized in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit !

  12. “The real distinction is between those who adapt their purposes to reality and those who seek to mold reality in the light of their purposes.”
    – Henry Kissinger

    Will you change your reality, or accept the one the elite gives you?

  13. well, let’s see, much is suppose to happen in sept including the swine flu & market crash again. Sounds like a plan that will have much shock and awe. this global meltdown is like the rolling snowball

  14. Hi Danny,

    I do not think the bible is the only way to be saved, I think it may have been the elites of that time trying to control the masses have you ever researched who edited and rewrote the book we refer to as the bible? This is in my opinion a control grid for man and was written by the ruling elite of the time.

  15. Hehe. I do not know how Mr. Jones can get me to laugh by telling me such awful stuff. It’s a timing thing. Or it might be because hearing SOMEBODY say the truth in a world where thousands in media lie causes a good feeling, even when the truth is bad news.

  16. Does this video confirm what Alex might be saying? I fell on this while looking up news on North Korea


  17. I’m glad Zlex doesn’t really push his creationism or I’d pretty much turn this off.

  18. OMG Alex! You have quite the descriptive imagination!!! We’re toothless crack whores with cig burns, hair falling out in clumps, & crusty eyes. No front teeth, and weighing 90lbs… Daddy, I worship u, I can haz moar!?! Pretty pweeze! Lol~ I can’t wait for the bank holidays. I need a break from the shackles of debt anyway. Guess my mortgage, car note, loans, etc won’t get paid during that time… Good. Stock up on food, water, and ammo while you still can. 🙂

  19. These ********* just love satanic numbers. 9-09-09 = inverted 666 Thats not obvious!! lol

  20. I am not saying you are crazy and I wouldn’t put it past human nature to attempt something like that but I must respectfully disagree with your take on the Bible. The books of Daniel and Revelation are a detailed account of history written in advance. Those prophecies begin in 605 B.C. and predict the 4 world empires ending with Rome, the 10 tribes that sacked Rome, the Catholic church (little horn of Daniel 7)and finally the United States in Revelation 13. Truth is stranger than fiction.

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