This is the most mysterious race of beings in human history. The Shining Ones? Who were they? Where did they come from? These beings appear in ancient texts, myths, and religions around the world. According to Sumerian creation myth, Angels were known under the name of Anunnaki or Anannage (great sons of Anu), and they were the founders of their culture. An (Sumerian) or Anu (Akkadian) was the chief God of Sun and Sky, and his name means “The Shining One”. Anunnaki were, according to this, “Suns of the Shining One” or “Suns of Light”.
Anunnaki were culturally and technically advanced people who situated themselves in the slopes of Middle East around 8200 BC. Their primary goal was to establish agricultural center for learning and training of the local population. They were described as “The Shining Lords of Cultivation”.