The Cloning of Barack Obama

We will develop strict guidelines (for stem cell research), which we will rigorously enforce, because we cannot ever tolerate misuse or abuse, Mr. Obama said. And we will ensure that our government never opens the door to the use of cloning for human reproduction. It is dangerous, profoundly wrong, and has no place in our society, or any society. … Barack Obama clone stem cell Akhenaten Akhenaton Apophis asteroid freeman perspective freemantv

16 thoughts on “The Cloning of Barack Obama”

  1. Let us pick the battle we wish to fight. For this is a far reach and will do you no good in presenting an argument. Interesting though..

  2. The chorolation with Akhennaten is startling past the point of pure facial geometry. He also is ‘depicted’ as disolving and rebeling against hierarchical religious strata such as ‘deity’ in the case of Ak and The Modern Roman Catholic derivative ‘Christian’ cult in Barack’s. Either way you flip it you see ‘his-story’ in repititious emphasis……..

  3. Freeman has a couple of internet radio gigs. Pursue the only thing that really matters “The Truth” check out his site and radio gigs. Thanks FREEMAN

  4. NO NO NO NO look at the head of michelle,a totally different nose also and eye shape,sasha cheek bones different and eye shape. barack,maybe a 40% coincidental similarity

  5. What do you think that president Obama is cloned, and if he is not the real ???
    Would be terrible. But, maybe that technology is already being implemented… :.-¿

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