The Crash of 2009 Is COMING To YOU!!

The Crash of 2009 Is COMING To YOU!! … 2012 Aleister Crowley eye all seeing pyramid 666 horus mi5 mi6 nazi hitler world portal Rothschild government trade center 911 september eleventh alex jones david icke 2001 conspiracy new order illuminati nwo nau rfid mark beast cia fbi nsa mason freemason occult satan satanism black magic war iraq bin laden lucas jesus devil worship secret society bohemian grove karl rove iran ron paul oil bush george islam opec rense red ice creations economy israel …

15 thoughts on “The Crash of 2009 Is COMING To YOU!!”

  1. Every should hold $3000. worth of silver- either 90% coin- pre 1964 or .999 bullion~ conversion would be a cinch when ness. Don’t just sit there>>>go out and GIT ER DONE !!!!!!!!

  2. I don’t understand why people are giving Beck ***** for just speaking about the national debt crisis. How is he being an ********?

  3. ***** no wonder we are all so fucked… if we had a government like france we’d be all taken careoff this ***** is because we are affraid of our government unlike france their government is afraid of them

  4. I can never understand this ********, sometimes he seems to be in the right side,sometimes turns totally back into a media puppet, it’s so weird.

  5. they better remove the fce of these mullahs from iran
    regime change
    regime change
    regime change

    islam get the ***** out of iran,
    ***** islamic government fuckkkkkk

  6. Isnt it obvious that after the N.W.O. had their 911 inside job blood sacrifice it gave them the excuse to print and steal this country blind? Is it really that hard to open your eyes and see the truth?

  7. So you’re insinuating that one group of people controlling the global economy isn’t fascism? Paper money is worthless, Gold is the monetary standard of the world and the Rothschilds set the price of gold and silver and oil and the subsequent wars waged for them. My point is that we are already a fascist state and the only way to minimize the strangle hold over the majority by the minority is to have a good economy. Anyone that defies them dies.

  8. Glenn Beck is right on issues. But he still acts like a real right wing fool. I am upset at both democrats, and republicans. They have left the american people in a lie, and in the cold.

  9. this guy makes a mockery of human stupdity and ignorance, lap it up folks, lap it up

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