The Freeman P1/3 Perspective HAARP and chemtrails

Freeman is an internationally known, award-winning TV producer in Austin, Texas. He graduated Interdisciplinary Studies with honors and studied Ancient Architecture at Kansas University. Freeman, host of The Freeman Perspective, has been witness to phenomenon that some men only dream of. His natural curiosity necessitated voracious studies of high weirdness, which have led him to discover the hidden code behind corporate logos, the secret of ancient astronauts, while finding time to investigate HAARP and chemtrails. Conspirologists take note: Freeman starts were Alex Jones leaves off. In the spirit of David Icke and James Redfield, Freeman illustrates a world that is both cosmic and miraculous. He presents hope displayed in the creative spirit of humanity. I have discovered a ritual being performed all around us, in the open by our “leaders” and I am making documentaries to disclose this information. I cover topics such as, corporate logos and their occult/masonic meanings. I unveil the goddess worship going on around us and explore America’s goddess Columbia. I have won the ACTV awards for my documentary on HAARP; the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, which can change weather patterns and negatively effect your health. I have made sure people are aware of the chemtrail program occurring over our heads and in our bodies. I should be considered an alternative historian, as opposed to a conspiracy theorist, although I did predict 9/11 to the day and many other