The Great Beyond by Ben Brown – Lyric Video

The Great Beyond by Ben Brown

Lyrics ::::::
Monday makes you want to vomit
Tuesday life’s gone awry
Wednesday you look in the mirror
See yourself and start to cry
Thursday you’re looking for answers
In the bottom of a glass
Friday your spirit’s rich
But your cash flow is working class

Nobody knows
We get our news from TV shows

In the Great Beyond, surely they’re not
Crazy for the country club
One day you’re flush, the next day you’re mush
Don’t need a savings bond
In the Great Beyond

The grease in the hair of the 50’s
Gave way to the swinging 60’s
The hippies are yuppies now
Finance is their sacred cow

No one’s sure
What to believe and what to ignore

In the Great Beyond, surely they’re not
Psycho for a FICO score
One day you’re set, maybe not yet
Accounts are never overdrawn
In the Great Beyond
from King of Air, released June 2, 2023