The Michael Jackson Documentary : The story you never knew Pt.5 (Aleister Crowley)

of Zeppelin is a devout follower of Satanist, Aleister Crowley, who proclaimed himself as “The Beast 666”. Aleister Crowley was also a 33rd and 97th Degree Freemason and is recognized as the master Satanist of the 20th century Michael Jackson was also influenced by Aleister crowley stay tuned … The Michael Jackson Documentary story you never knew Pt.5 Aleister Crowley iron maiden led zepplin david bowie graham bond ozzy osbourne golden dawn music industry hijacked alan watt cul cre …

9 thoughts on “The Michael Jackson Documentary : The story you never knew Pt.5 (Aleister Crowley)”

  1. dude i can show you a video with a satanist himself exposing rock bands like nine inch nails iron maiden kiss and others hip hop was to be pure but its not snoop jay z eminem and others do encorporate their symbolism boldly and eminem making sonngs blaspheming and one about him selling his soul…i wouldnt listen to hard rock period and by the images iron maiden show its kinda obvious

  2. um…I saw a video with Michael with Hasidic Jews….the ppl who are gathered into the Kabblah have no clue what they are studying…it all looks rather innocuous..and truth be told so hard to understand that one would have to spend a lifetime studying it. I do think Michael thought it was highly spiritual not knowing the implications. that is my opinion

  3. That is correct. The Beatles has many young female fans and the Beatles heros was alestier crowley. David Bowie is a world famous musician and in his prime time he sang songs about Crowley, he worshipped him, he even dressed like him to show how influenced he was by this satanic worshipper.

  4. i just finished a project of proof that mj was against the illuminati- i have discovered amny things that people dont know. can you give me your email so i can send it to you?

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