The Obama Deception HQ Full length version

bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government. – Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government. – The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. http … changedachannel Obamadeception obama deception alex jones …

32 thoughts on “The Obama Deception HQ Full length version”

  1. You think gun control is a good thing? If you know your history you would know that all governments that want to turn their people into slaves will make sure that the people can’t defend themselves and are dependent on the government for everything.

  2. thanks for al the hard work guys! this documentary is very informative

  3. BARACK OBAMA….what exactly did he have on his resume of acomplishments that made him presidential timber???

  4. You seem to know enough to know that Alex Jones is yet another puppet or mouth piece for the powers that be. Hats off to you for recognizing.

  5. Their is a plan to rule the world,and NEW WORLD ORDER,will be upon us shortly. Sooner then we all may think.And theirs not a thing you or I can do about it.

  6. “And the GOP does it’s part, too. Let’s not forget that congressional hearings were held in the 1990s in which the “black helicopter” crowd was invited to address congress. It backfired, once people got a chance to see how crazy these dudes were, but the fact that the GOP was willing to provide them a forum for their crazy ideas shows the extent to which the GOP found them useful…”

    Copy paste and Google the above test & find out details about the non-existent “FEMA Concentration Camps”.

  7. any of you guys metal gear solid fans? builderburgh group (spelling can’t be right lol) kinda reminds me of the patriots/philosophers lol

  8. Why would this Bilderburg group meet in a public place like a hotel to have super secret meetings? It’s just dumb, if they were plotting to destroy the world with the most powerful men in the world I think they could probably just meet in a underground base in Nevada or in a bunker somewhere in the mountains of Colorado and no one would even know they are there.

  9. You have to follow the Vatican trail.

    Look who every president bows to, although they claim to be Protestant.

    What are most Mexicans? Catholic or Protestant?

    The more the Vatican gets involved, more anti gun laws we see.

    Who was leading the anti-gun rally in chircago? Pfelger? A catholic Priest?

    When they same “Right Wing Extremists” do they really mean Protestants?

    WWII wasn’t that long ago. Vatican was involved in forced catholic conversions in theJasenovac concentrationCamp

  10. ANY audit of the “federal reserve”will show such filth, slime, lies and corruption that WE THE PEOPLE will demand prosecution of the banksters. it is like picking up a rock to see all of the creepy crawly creatures hiding underneath. this is why the prostiticians and their media-***** puppets say nothing about fed reform. an audit will also shed light on the parent-cretin owners which will spread internationally

  11. We are all Doomed Cleancut ya dumbass dont you understand this is bad WAKE THE HELL UP.

  12. check out Mexican flag raised over post office in Maywood, CA.
    this is one of the post i pulled from the second page
    Now if the presidents and government of Mexico are saying anywhere in America there are Mexicans is Mexico.

    what do you think the Mexicans who come here think? they don’t consider this is OUR country. They consider this is **Mexico and **THEIR country.

    what does jeorge lopez think
    the horse’s **** will tell you himself what he thinks @ 2.50

  13. over 2 million hav viewed this.within 3 months anotha 1.5 will hav watched it.spread the word, videos such as this will not b accessible by internet much longer.enlighten yourself.BLACK WHITE OR YELLOW. u R a enemy of these people.

  14. KRS is on point, but incomplete…Because there is the “Corporation” that pulls the “Franchise Owners” strings.

    But what can you do huh? LoL

  15. “Im proud to say that Im an awakened OBAMA zombie. ”

    Congratulations. Welcome to the point of no return my friend.

  16. Click on the names of all the people who leave negative comments and you relise the videos they watch show proof why they can’t comprehend whats going on this world

  17. Shortly before G.W. Bush left office, congress passed legislation allowing he and his entire staff retroactive immunity to any and all possible war crimes that they committed as defined under the War Crimes Act . The Supreme Court ruled that the Geneva Conventions conditions applied to Al-Queida and the Taliban.

  18. I have an announcement ….

    Im proud to say that Im an awakened OBAMA zombie.

  19. I agree with most of the video, but what why is gun control considered the number 3 issue, i think that is one of the good things

  20. I want you people to go to this vid


    His name is SamHarrisCOM and tell this idiot that obama is really an **** thats ruining this country please.

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