The Seth Material DOCUMENTARY Channelled by Jane Roberts

A truly remarkable documentary about the experience with a remarkable spiritual entity. This documentary chronicles Seth’s contact with author and medium Jane Roberts. This classic work in the area of spiritual growth contains spiritual wisdom and practical advice to solve everyday problems, expand consciousness and directly connect with our own greater knowledge and being. It includes a description of the circumstances that led to Jane Roberts speaking for the internationally acclaimed non-physical teacher known as Seth, who has written over 26 books which have been translated into numerous languages and have sold millions of copies throughout the world.

Roberts and her husband, Robert Butts, experimented with a Ouija board as part of Roberts’ research for a book on extra-sensory perception. Roberts and Butts began to receive coherent messages from a male personality, who later identified himself as Seth. Soon after, Roberts reported that she was hearing the messages in her head. She began to dictate the messages instead of using the Ouija board, and the board was eventually abandoned. For 21 years until Roberts held regular sessions in which she went into a trance and spoke on behalf of Seth.