The Study of Extraterrestrial Politics (Part 3)

Exopolitics”. The interview includes information on the Extraterrestrial situation on Earth. He is actually the head of the entire Exopolitics Institute. Thius interview was done on the date of March 15th, 2007. It is a defintie must watch for anyone out thewre who follows Mr. Freeman Fly’s incredible work or if you are fans of the Extraterrestrial phenomenom which is in all truth very real. Please visit and support the following websites for providing the World with this incredible information …

2 thoughts on “The Study of Extraterrestrial Politics (Part 3)”

  1. The destructive ET’s are allowed to make contact with us, humans. Meanwhile, the “Beneficial” ETS – standing by, observing and applying the Prime Directive – what retards!

    What’s going on now, may be somewhat our fault – because of our human weakness – but I refuse to accept ALL responsibility – more than 50% MUST be put on the heads of the ET’s – includg. the “Beneficials”- for allowing it. Because what effects us, eventually, effects Outer SPace and THEM!

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