the truth on FEMA camps and trains pt.3

, this is no joke anymore, this is no conspiracy anymore, this is real life. spread these videos and any videos in my database you can! thank you all! pt.3 … illuminati proof nwo new world order 911 footage inside job david icke alex jones FEMA coffins camps prisons concentration germany nazi 1939 2009 america goverment obama barack joe biden trains huge mind control brain wash subliminal messages mason masonic 33degree skull and bones society george bush edf politics cnn fox abc all …

4 thoughts on “the truth on FEMA camps and trains pt.3”

  1. the red and blue dots never amounted to anything. Theses ‘huge death trains’ you keep showing us are ‘auto-max’ vehicle transporters watch?v=5XTQNsgUqn8

  2. yeah right, the govt is going to manually run around putting coloured dots on your mainbox because thats the only way they will know your ‘status’ come collection time. Its stupid comments like this that prevent ppl from taking your case seriously.

  3. first keep your self informed, and the most important thing you need to do if we are to win this is to awake as many people as possible, i will be posting a video on good ways to do this soon! i will have more on what to do soon, but the thing you have to do is to inform people and shed light on the sheeple. i’d suggest when approaching someone with this is to start off slow, like on how 9/11 was an inside job or obama deception

  4. the red dot/blue dot mailbox thing really got to me. So what do we do? How can we fight back? I’ve been seeing videos like this, and researching nwo and other similar topics…the information is out there. But what do we do?

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