THEOKRATS – “Somethin” from their debut CD “Blasphemers” (2006)

THEOKRATS “Somthin” from their debut CD “Blasphemers” (2006) Somethin’s Coming . . . Theokrats . . . North Korea Nuclear Testing, Nuclear Bombs, Radiation Levels Japan, Japan Earthquake, HAARP, WMD, New World Order, NWO, Illuminati, One World Government, Peter Joseph, Zeitgeist, Alex Jones, David Icke, Carl Sagan, Aliens, Occult Symbols, All Seeing Eye, One World Currency, H1N1 Vaccination, 2012, Under The Denver Airport, Human Chip Implant, Government Secrets, Bilderberg Group, Obama declares swine flu a national emergency, Brotherhood Of The Illuminati, Water On The Moon, Crop Circles, Greys, Pleiadians, swine flu pandemic, FreeMasons, end of time, 2012 will NOT be the end of the world, THEOKRATS.COM. Music by PJ Corvus, Vocals by PJ Corvus, Lyrics written by David Regal