There Is No War on Christmas and There Never Has Been

At the time of Constantine (313 AD), more and more new cults appeared within the Christian Church. Many of these cults’ celebrations – like Christmas itself – had been unknown to the Christians.

Based on the sources, we can be absolutely certain that the Christians did not celebrate Christmas anywhere until the 3rd century, and it became more widespread only in the 4th century. On the other hand, under a different name this festivity was not unknown among the believers of some pagan cults a couple of centuries earlier.

Franz Cumon writes about this the following way: “In general the festivity demanded that 25th December, the birthday of the new Sun should be celebrated when the days start to become longer after the winter solstice and the ‘unconquerable star’ defeats darkness again.” (Astrology and Religion Among Greeks and Romans, 1960, page 89.) Some of mankind – obviously depending on the geographical position – did observe thousands of years before Christ’s incarnation that towards the end of the year there is a small change in the portion of day and night. The sun that kept losing its power began getting stronger again at last, so as to revive dying nature. This is how the sun cult developed among several people, the early variant of which leads us to ancient Egypt, before it shifted to the Middle East, too. The legend of Osiris-Iris-Horus grew to become such a mystery religion that, after being transmitted to Rome, it had a strong influence on crowds of people even at the time of Christianity. The prominent professor of history demands : “The lengthening of the day starting at the winter solstice was considered to be the birth of the Sun. The Syrian (Emesa) Helios day was held on 25th December, that is when it was first possible to sense the lengthening of daylight. In Alexandria they also held the festivity of Isis, called the Kikillia on 25th December. These pagan solstice festivities are undoubtedly the antecedents of Christmas.” (The History of Chronology, Gondolat publisher, Budapest, 1960, page 62.)

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