This Is BIG: Obama Caught Leaving US After Lynch Investigation Reveals Barack’s Huge Secret

This Is BIG: Obama Caught Leaving US After Lynch Investigation Reveals Barack’s Huge Secret

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Obama’s family have left the United States in a hush-hush trip to one country that can provide Barack cover if he truly gets into hot water over the Loretta Lynch investigation. Recent reports are shocking and go well beyond Lynch’s tarmac visit with Bill Clinton. In fact, it’s Barack who has ties to Russia, and Lynch will have to save herself by confirming the former president’s big secret that the investigation is about to announce.

Barack and Michelle decided to take a trip to Indonesia, one of the countries that the U.S. has no extradition agreement with and the country where as a boy Barry “Soetoro” lived with his biological mom and her husband Lolo Soetoro. They made sure their daughters came along, and the timing is suspect as things are heating up for the old Obama administration.
Barack Obama’s former Attorney General Loretta Lynch is now under investigation by the Senate Intel Committee, and they have disclosed just what they are looking at in terms of Lynch. The allegation is “political interference.” As CBS News reports, “FBI had obtained hacked documents that included one about a Democratic operative who had “expressed confidence that Ms. Lynch would keep the Clinton investigation from going too far.”

The report goes on, “[This information] had come from a Russian intelligence document describing an email allegedly sent by then DNC-chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Open Society Foundations. The alleged email was supposed to have said that Lynch had assured the Clinton campaign’s Amanda Renteria that the FBI investigation would not ‘go too far.”‘

There are a few things here that are quite shocking. First, Open Society Foundation is owned by George Soros. Secondly, we have The Washington Post, which is known to collude with the Clinton campaign, saying it was Russia intelligence allegedly involved in hacking the DNC. All of this under Barack Obama’s watch, right?

We know the DNC got hacked, but we do not know by whom. The Russia hacking has never been proven as Trey Gowdy masterfully brought out last week. We do have two things here that are very concerning for Barack Obama. Lynch’s boss was Obama, and if Lynch did anything, it was at the behest of her boss. Also, the mention of the George Soros’ foundation smack dab in the middle of this should be signaling alarm bells.

Lynch is already known for “pleading the fifth” to save Obama. “Attorney General Loretta Lynch is declining to comply with an investigation by leading members of Congress about the Obama administration’s secret efforts to send Iran $1.7 billion in cash earlier this year, prompting accusations that Lynch has “pleaded the Fifth” Amendment,” reported Washington Free Beacon.

So, she saved Obama back then, but how about now? Detailed reports have untangled the web about where the Russian hacking and Russian colluding with Donald Trump stories came from, and they trace back to George Soro’s Open Society Foundation employee and Democratic operative Alexandra Chalupa. This goes all the way to the top, to Barack Obama working with Soros. The question is will Loretta Lynch take the fall for Obama?

I don’t see why she would unless Obama or his minions get to her first. Obama probably will never see jail time, but he could be subpoenaed to testify, and that could prove very embarrassing and could hurt his beloved legacy. We all know he is a criminal and worked with Soros to try to bring Trump down, but we also know people get murdered who try to expose something that big. Barack and Michelle could stay in Indonesia for a while so Barack can put off testifying. At least one good thing has come from this — President Donald Trump is finally proving that they are the liars and he was always telling the truth.