This Unexpected US City Is Being WIPED OUT By Muslim Migrants

This Unexpected US City Is Being WIPED OUT By Muslim Migrants

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This is just about one of the scariest news pieces you will read today.

A woman from upstate New York has written a blog piece as a warning about what happens when Muslim refugees begin to “take over” an American city. In this particular case, the city is Utica, New York. The city of Utica was mostly Anglo-Saxon until someone in government, just like was the case with Minneapolis Minnesota and the Somalian Refugees decided that wasn’t a good thing, so they started shipping in Scumbag Muslim refugees to overtake the Anglo-Saxon population.
This is the blog post in its entirety, It’s long but well worth the read:

My Hometown Is Gone

Hi! This is a blog post I threw together in response to the recent increase in refugee numbers by Trump’s State Department, in order to convey what it is like living in an Islamizing area. I gave a talk at a luncheon a few months ago that was basically relating my story of how my hometown has been Islamized by refugee resettlement. So it makes sense to do a blog post.

I’m from the Utica, NY area. Utica is the city nicknamed by the UN “the city that loves refugees!” Soon every American city will be a city that loves refugees! Get ready! So I would like to tell you what it is like living in an area where the major city is about 25% (or more) refugee, mainly Muslim
I was born in Utica, a “faded industrial town” along the Mohawk River/Erie Canal corridor, and lived there until I was 8-years-old when my family moved to a nearby small college town. I loved living in Utica because there were lots of families on my block, big Catholic families with lots of kids. You could yard-hop, checking out who was available for play. You could bike around the neighborhood. There were block parties in the summer. My grandmother lived up the street. Life was good.

My father and his father were born and lived in Utica, NY. My father was a judge in Utica, like his father before him. The Catholic school my father attended is now a community center for refugees. After I moved back to the Utica area as an adult I used to recite “Full fathom five” to the children as we drove by my father’s former Catholic school. (Nothing of him that doth fade,/But doth suffer a sea change/Into something rich and strange.)