Tom Arnold Threatens Conservative Actress, Hollywood Legend Makes Him Regret It
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Tom Arnold made an open threat to conservative actress Kristy Swanson. Much to his dismay, a Hollywood heavyweight took him to task. Maybe now Tom will be careful what he tweets.
Some of you might remember actress Kristy Swanson from the classic 90’s film Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She’s starred in numerous TV shows and movies. You might not know that she is an outspoken conservative and Trump supporter. She frequently uses social media to express her views.
Recently, she took to Twitter to express her appreciation to President Donald Trump for pardoning conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza.
D’Souza was targeted by the Obama administration over his hard-hitting documentaries about liberal corruption. They tried to throw the book at him, just to send a message. It’s not a surprise that the left behaves like the mafia.
Many conservatives were happy to see D’Souza pardoned by the president. Liberals? Obviously, they were fuming. In fact, Tom Arnold, who once starred in movies, took to Twitter to criticize Swanson’s tweet. I’m sure he simply expressed his opinion with respect and decency.
Nope! He straight up threatened her.
Uh, what? What does “this is your final warning” mean? This sounds like a pretty nasty threat. Is Tom implying that he will go after Swanson? What is going to do if she has the gall to stand up for her beliefs? Will Tom try to get her blocked on Twitter? Or perhaps attack her or her family?
That’s a pretty serious thing to tweet, over politics, but that is the Democratic Party in 2018. Their arrogance and rage are so great, they have no problem threatening conservatives. This is even more shocking, considering it’s a man threatening a woman to stay silent.
Hmm, isn’t this the exact thing feminists complain about all the time? Seems like all the “toxic masculinity” is coming from the left.
We shouldn’t be surprised. Tom Arnold pretends to be a progressive liberal but frequently shows his true colors as a woman-hating sexist. He is trying to take the high road by brandishing Swanson, D’Souza, and Trump as racists. But we know who the real bigot is.
When it came out that Arnold made this shocking threat, Hollywood big name James Woods stepped in. He shut Tom Arnold down, using his own tweets against him.Tom Arnold is a skeeze.
In other news, water is still wet.
As Twitchy readers know, earlier today Tom decided to threaten Kristy Swanson when she was excited that President Trump had pardoned Dinesh D’Souza. Hey, don’t look at us, we don’t understand what gets Tom’s britches all bunched up, but apparently, he thought it was wise to tell Kristy it was her ‘last warning.’
James Woods took it upon himself to remind Tom of another time he grossly attacked a Conservative woman … a time he actually had to apologize for. [Source: Twitchy]
We know that someone like Tom Arnold is hardly the “model Democrat.” But his toxic hatred is common among everyone on the left. They have convinced themselves that all conservatives are Nazi racists. That seems to justify (in their mind) a level of abuse we haven’t seen in a long time. Liberals don’t seem to think we have a right to speak our mind, let alone vote for Republicans or support the President.
That’s why they think they are allowed to openly threaten women. It’s unthinkable.
But before Arnold could ride around on his high horse, James Wood put him in his place. That vile tweet Tom posted to Candace Owens revealed his ugly side. Arnold attacked a conservative woman of color, using nasty slurs. It was hardly one of his crowning moments, something he had to apologize for later.
You’d think Arnold would have learned to just keep his mouth shut. Or, at the very least, treat people with respect — even if he disagreed with them. Nope, he keeps harassing women. Much like so many liberals online and in the media.
Thank goodness we have people like James Woods, who aren’t afraid to punch back. And he didn’t need to use threats or harassment. All he did was remind Arnold of his very own wayward words. Brilliant.
To date, Arnold hasn’t apologized to Swanson. Perhaps he’ll figure that one out before he gets reported.