Top Hollywood Diva Meets With Trump To Beg For A Life Sentence Pardon
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There are times when the mask falls. When we get the sense that all the bluster from the media against Trump is just hot air. There are times when we see their hate for the charade it really is.
That happened right after he was elected. As Trump was preparing for the transition, numerous people visited him at Trump Tower in New York. High-profile celebrities, politicians, and business people met with the President-Elect, in order to curry his favor. Many of those same people criticized Trump during the election.
Even today, it’s the same thing. The media would have you believe Trump is their enemy. That they hate him with every fiber of their being. That the president making America great again is their kryptonite.
Until, they need something, that is. Suddenly Trump is their best friend. They’ll put aside the empty rhetoric they spew on CNN, in order to meet with the Commander in Chief.
That’s just what’s happening right now.
From Fox News:
Kim Kardashian West will reportedly meet with President Trump at the White House on Wednesday as part of the reality star’s ongoing effort to obtain a pardon for a 62-year-old great-grandmother who is serving a life prison sentence.
Alice Johnson is serving a life sentence without parole for a first-time nonviolent drug offense, according to Mic, which did a video profile of the woman in 2017 that initially brought Kardashian West’s attention to the case.
Kardashian West has reportedly been working for months to grant Johnson a presidential pardon, and has been in communication with Kushner and other members of the Trump administration, according to the outlet.
Last week, Trump granted a posthumous pardon to Jack Johnson, boxing’s first black heavyweight champion, following pleas from actor Sylvester Stallone and Johnson’s great-great niece.
Kim’s husband might be a big Trump supporter, but she isn’t. Kim Kardashian famously posted a selfie with presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during the election. While the reality star isn’t known for her politics, it’s clear she isn’t a conservative.
Yet when it comes to real issues, issues that aren’t just about sound bites for TV, she is willing to seek Trump’s help. This is nothing new. The left love to virtue signal on Twitter about how much they hate the President. It’s all a show. They cannot be seen supporting Trump—even when he does amazing things—because they would offend the rest of their party.
So they continue to play games, despite how it damages our country.
When the chips are down, though, all that falls away. Liberals and outspoken critics suddenly become buddy-buddy with the people they hate.
Hey liberals, if Trump is such an “illegitimate president,” why seek his help for these matters? Why met with him at all? Maybe, it’s because he’s not illegitimate. He’s the real deal. Trump is the man fixing numerous problems in our country. And he can fix problems like people being wrongfully incarcerated.
Kim knows this. As do all the others. They pony up to the man in order to fix these issues. But will they then appear on TV and praise him? Will they suddenly offer thanks and respect for President Trump?
Well… I won’t hold my breath waiting.