Trump Deep State Revenge, Sting Operation A Success! He Caught Muslim Spy, Leaker Inside White House!
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The anti-Trump forces within the president’s administration who have unsavory intentions are still hanging around, looking for an opportunity to strike. But Donald Trump hasn’t been an idle bystander waiting to be attacked again.
He laid a trap to catch the next person close to him who had the gall to betray him in order to aid Obama’s “deep state,” and Trump’s efforts paid off in a big way!
The fly Trump caught turned out to be, none other than, Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Habib Powell, who is Muslim and also has close ties with Huma Abedin and Valerie Jarrett. It turns out, Powell has been leaking negative information to the Trump-hating news media outlets.
From Mad World News:
The leaks coming out of the White House and finding their way into the mainstream media have reached epic proportions, and it’s affecting the national security of the United States. This is pure political game playing by the anti-Trump forces, and we have the behind the scenes account of just what is going on.
If Trump is guilty of anything, it’s that he has trusted those who brought neo-cons who do not support his “America First” policy into the White House. These “deep state” staffers think like John McCain and want America to interfere in every political hotspot around the world with invasion and troops, and to make that happen, Trump knew someone close to him was leaking negative stories to the press.
So, Trump appeared to lay a trap to catch the traitors, and credible sources have identified the main leaker as Deputy National Security Adviser Dina Habib Powell. Remember, in the meeting held with the Russian ambassador, where the mainstream media falsely reported that Trump gave classified information to the Russians, there were only three people present who could have leaked to the press: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, and Deputy National Secretary Adviser Dina Powell.
According to Got News:
“We all know she slept her way to the top of NSC, working her way from the receptionist desk at Dick Armey’s office,” notes one NSC staffer. “She has zero qualifications and, given her ties to Huma Abedin, is a security risk.”
Image result for dina powell
Got News also reports, “Dina Powell is frequently referred to as ‘The Republican Huma Abedin’ and is a member of Hillary Clinton’s ‘Vital Voices.’ Powell is a good friend of Huma Abedin, who worked with her husband ‘at the Clinton-linked consultancy Teneo.’ Powell also has connections to Obama’s confidant Valerie Jarrett.”
If President Trump plans on draining the swamp he’s probably going to have to vet every single employee that was part of the old Obama regime. Otherwise, he’s going to be chasing his tail trying to catch a ghost, or a whole bunch of them!
The Obama loyalists still entrenched within the halls of government bureaucracy will continue to be a thorn in his side until he removes them. The sooner the better.