Trump Did Something Amazing To Show That He Is True American

Trump Did Something Amazing To Show That He Is True American.

President Donald Trump’s first G20 Summit has ended and he was amazing. The mainstream made his accomplishments to sound like failures, but the foreign press was impressed by our president. Trump sent everyone blunt message after he saw what all the leaders did.

The other leader at the summit apparently forgot that Trump is a different leader than the one they are used to it and tried to force him to do something without having in mind that he is no Obama. And Trump refused to do it but that wasn’t all, he also stood for what he represents, he sent a bold message in the one picture he posed for and had all proud conservatives applauding him as he is remarkable.

While there were thousands of European protesters in Hamburg protesting G20 and globalism, Trump was inside sending a bigger message of his own.

Trump always puts America in the first place without caring if he offends others with his patriotism. And when every leader that attended the G20 Summit was gifted a special lapel pin to wear for the monumental meeting, Trump refused and wore one of his own.

They all wore a commemorative globalist lapel pin this weekend, representing a liberal agenda about international economic and foreign policy that Trump doesn’t agree with. So instead of wearing a lapel pin that he doesn’t believe in, he wore his American flag pin that you can see on him since he decided to run for President.
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