Trump Drops Urgent Call To Make Statement To Female Reporter That Leaves Media Speechless
Donald Trump did it again. He ticked off an entire galaxy worth of moron feminists because he complimented someone. Hold up folks, this is MAJOR BREAKING NEWS! President Trump complimented a female reported and the axis of the planet tipped and caused global warming. This is what Al Gore warned us about! The President complimented a reporter? You must be kidding! Brace yourselves for the triggering of liberal feminazi idiots everywhere. I bet there’s galaxies out of our scope of understanding that heard the echo chamber clamoring about this.
Trump complimented a female, so she better strap on a chastity belt before he grabs her by the p*ssy. Or is that something Bill Clinton would do/did?
If Obama told a reporter she had a nice smile, the liberals would be melting about how sweet the man is. Big Orange Cheeto himself does it and it’s sexual harassment. Does anyone see how stupid the liberals are? They are truly the bane of existence. Anyone who voted for Trump did so to give a massive middle finger to these meltdown babies of the liberal disorder.
The longer the left does this, then the longer people will vote for whomever is on the right. People would rather vote for Hitler and Hitler’s clone as President and Vice President before voting left. That’s HOW BAD the liberals have become. The world would literally rather reincarnate and clone Hitler before dealing with these losers on the left who cry over every damn thing and turn everything into a fake news nightmare.
How about this headline: President Trump Compliments Female Reporter, Shows His True Gentleman Side? Or maybe this one: Trump Places Important Person On Hold To Compliment The Media? No that looks too good, right? Makes President Trump look like a nice guy. We can’t possibly have that. Meanwhile Hillary “coughing fit” Clinton was busy dissing black girls calling black people super predators, but that wasn’t a big deal. Was it?
Several reporters were surprised to be invited into the Oval Office for a face-to-face meeting with Donald Trump on Tuesday.
The president was in the middle of calling Ireland’s newly elected (and first gay) prime minister Leo Varadkar to congratulate him.
During the call, Trump paused to beckon over female journalist Caitriona Perry.
So far, who gives a damn. Nothing is news here. If someone walks in your office while you’re on the phone, there’s a good chance you might look up from the phone and acknowledge them. If Trump ignored Perry, then we would see the headline “Trump Ignores Media Once Again” – anyone get it yet? The guy can’t win when it comes to liberal loon media.
“Well, we have a lot of your Irish press watching us. They’re just now leaving the room. And where are you from? Go ahead, come here,” he was heard saying.
“Where are you from? We have all of this beautiful Irish press. Where are you from?’”
Trump then told the Irish prime minister that Perry had a “beautiful smile on her face”, adding: “I bet she treats you well.”
Trump talked to and about the reporter to the Prime Minister. He basically involved everyone in the room on the phone call and made people feel welcome. Some people are saying he’s flirting. No, he’s engaging the room and throwing out compliments like they’re EBT cards in the ghetto.