Trump-Hater Kamala Harris Attacks AG Jeff Sessions, Gets Brutal Surprise On Live TV

Trump-Hater Kamala Harris Attacks AG Jeff Sessions, Gets Brutal Surprise On Live TV

It seems that a new hero has risen among the left as liberals have begun cheering for Senator Kamala Harris mostly because of her gender and race. Unfortunately for the smug politician, she recently made a bad choice to attack Attorney General Jeff Sessions during his hearing – and that’s about the time she got the smirk wiped off her face on live television.

Sessions recently appeared before the Senate Intelligence Committee to answer a few questions. Of course, the main topic of conversation was the man’s non-existent relationship with a Russian official, but that’s not what everyone is talking about today.

Seen in footage from the hearing, Sen. Kamala Harris was afforded the opportunity to ask a few questions herself. Mad World News has reported on Ms. Harris a few times in the past after she decided to make a complete fool of herself by pretending to be a badass – and this instance is no different.

According to BizPac Review, “Sen. Kamala Harris tried to play the role of Perry Mason by asking a series of rapid-fire questions,” in hopes of getting Sessions tangled up. However, it seems that she forgot just one thing – real life is nothing like television or the movies.

After attempting to drill Sessions about private meetings he’d had with President Donald Trump and how the two communicated, Harris took the opportunity to launch a full-on attack. “Did you consult [Department of Justice policy] before you came before this committee knowing we would ask you questions about it?” she asked.

“We talked about it,” Sessions responded. “The policy is based –” and that’s when Harris started to interrupt, but things certainly didn’t go as she had planned.
Trying to quickly move the conversation along, Harris interrupted Sessions before he could finish his answer, asking, “Did you ask that it would be shown to you?” Unfortunately for her, Sessions sought to answer her previous question again, which she didn’t give him the opportunity to do, but Harris cut him off again reiterating, “Did you not ask your staff to show you the policy that would be the basis for your refusing to answer the majority of questions that have been asked of you?”

Although Sessions was clearly frustrated at the level of disrespect at the time, it was quickly made clear that he wasn’t the only one as Harris got a brutal surprise she should have seen coming. “Chairman, the witness should be allowed to answer the question,” Sen. John McCain could be heard saying off-camera, prompting the committee chairman, Richard Burr, into action. “Senators will allow the chair to control the hearing,” Burr said before he then further scolded Harris by demanding, “Senator Harris, let him answer.”

This is the second time in just as many weeks that Harris has been reprimanded for her inappropriate and unprofessional behavior. Of course, liberals took it as though the poor, innocent, little woman of color was being “silenced” by all the white men in the room.
Too bad for the left, the reality of the situation is that this was not an interrogation but rather a hearing, and Harris was the one out of line. Interrupting someone in such a fashion is not an acceptable way to behave, and it seems that the childish senator was in need of a little discipline.
Democrats continue to show Americans on a daily basis how biased and petty they are. Despite there being absolutely no proof to their claims, they continue to seek answers which simply aren’t there. Too bad for them, they’re chasing a ghost, and the longer they do, the longer they’ll continue making fools of themselves just like Harris did here.

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