Trump-Hater Kamala Harris Just Got A Nasty Surprise After She Tries Sick Fundraising Scheme

Trump-Hater Kamala Harris Just Got A Nasty Surprise After She Tries Sick Fundraising Scheme

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Kamala Harris has reached a new, all-time low. The rude, obnoxious junior senator from California launched a fundraising scheme, and it’s backfiring big time. Harris is well-known as the shrew who acted like her hair was on fire on Capitol Hill while questioning Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Admiral Mike Rogers. Playing the tired “woman card,” she banked on cashing in on her rude behavior, but instead, all she got was a nasty surprise.

Kamala Harris thinks her rude, crude, ridiculous rants during the Senate hearings on Capitol Hill will make her rich. Harris is trying to cash in using her “woman card,” depicting what happened to her during the hearings as some great moment in American politics for all women. Harris’ delusions of grandeur caused her to pin a tweet to the top of her Twitter page that refers to her being “silenced” and links to a donations page:
On the donation page, Harris claims, “It’s happened to me, Elizabeth Warren, and countless others. Too often women are silenced in society and in the Senate. Make a contribution to defend the women of the Senate and fight back.” Wow. This woman is one big liar, and Americans with even half a brain aren’t falling for her sick attempt at fundraising.

“While she claims she was ‘silenced,’ in each case Harris was actually the silencer, talking over witnesses such as Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. In each case, the witnesses protested that she was not letting them answer her questions. Sessions, in particular, complained that by cutting him off, she was exposing him to legal risk of not telling the whole truth,” reports Breitbart.

Harris got a nasty surprise after she posted the fundraising scheme on social media. Seventy-five percent of the comments are negative, calling her out as a swamp creature that has to go. Grandstanding and showboating at the Senate hearings doesn’t translate into big cash donations.
Harris has tried to make a name for herself by trolling Donald Trump on Twitter, as the San Diego Tribune reports, “Is California Sen. Kamala Harris running for president in 2020? She’s sure acting like it, at least on Twitter. Since President Donald Trump’s inauguration, the Senate rookie has sent more than 80 Trump-related tweets in 14 days. Each time, in just 140 characters or less, Harris has trolled him on his policies, his cabinet nominees and more.”

Trolling the master of Twitter didn’t work for Harris, but then again, she’s got nothing else to fall back on. She’s the epitome of a swamp creature, getting her start in politics as San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s mistress. “The first time [Kamala Harris] ever appears in a search of California news is March 22, 1994, when she was Assembly Speaker Willie Brown’s date at his 60th birthday party. She was 30 years-plus younger. But she didn’t just date Brown. She cashed in from knowing him,” reports CalWatchdog.

Kamala Harris is shaping up to be a female Barack Obama. With only one term as a U.S. Senator, there is already a lot of talk about a serious bid for president in 2020. She, like Obama, has a sketchy background. Besides the gender card, she plays the race card, even though her mother is from India and she used to identify as an “Indian-American.” Now, she identifies as an African-American, although her father, who left her mother when she was seven, is Jamaican-American.

There’s one huge problem with Harris running in 2020. Never again will patriotic Americans be duped into voting for someone solely based on their race or gender. Harris can take her fake gender card fundraising and go back to California where she belongs. She’s a big-mouthed swamp creature who is heading for the Washington, D.C., drain. After Obama, Americans won’t be fooled again.