Trump-Hater Mika Furious As Daughter’s Pic Goes Viral When Viewer’s See What She’s Wearing
The relationship between MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski and President Donald Trump is rocky, to say the least, as the leftist reporter continues to hurl insult after insult. Unfortunately for her, things just took an unexpected turn as Mika was left furious to learn that one of her daughter’s photos had gone viral for an embarrassing reason – and the surprise was downright nasty.
We’ve likely seen the back and forth between the Trump-hater and our president. At first, Mika tried to be civil in hiding her fury when Trump was elected, but it didn’t last for long. In the end, she was unable to suppress her unwarranted and biased feelings, leading her to launch an endless wave of attacks at the man whom she loathed so much.
Too bad for her, she would learn the hard way that you shouldn’t poke a bear unless you want to be mauled. Proving just that, their feud came to a head when Trump finally replied to the personal attacks with a comment of a personal nature about Mika’s “face-lift” habits.
As one would imagine, the left went absolutely berserk, but that didn’t slow the president down. Even worse yet, at least for Mika, things only continued to go downhill as she’s most recently got some more bad news.
Come to find out, her daughter’s picture just went viral for an embarrassing reason – and it couldn’t have happened at a worse possible time. There really doesn’t appear to be anything special in the image until viewers notice what she’s wearing on her head.
According to Conservative Tribune, “In a post to the social media platform Instagram in February of 2016, Emilie Hoffer — Mika’s daughter — posed with a cousin wearing the Trump-inspired ‘Make America Great Again’ hat.” It seems that despite Mika’s best efforts, she couldn’t even persuade her own daughter to despise Trump.
The image was dug up and shared widely over the weekend, which has to be, without a doubt, a thorn in Mika’s side, considering the recent feud. It just goes to show that before you go to war, you better dang well check to make sure that your own “troops” are fighting for your cause. Too bad for Mika, her own child seems to be a fan of her enemy.
Of course, for this reason, it wasn’t long before several people on social media bashed the liberal host as she received what can only be described as a nasty dose of karma, Young Conservatives reports.
Although some people suggest that there’s a possibility the girl was wearing the hat as a joke, we all know what they say about unringing a bell. In the end, a picture is worth a thousand words, and having a picture floating around that shows Mika’s daughter wearing a hat in support of her fiercest opponents, well, it’s got to have her blood boiling — and that’s exactly what you get when you mess with the wrong guy.