Trump Humiliates Past Presidents In Speech For US Embassy Opening In Jerusalem

Trump Humiliates Past Presidents In Speech For US Embassy Opening In Jerusalem

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Liberals are freaking out after President Donald Trump gave his opening speech as the U.S. Embassy in Israel is finally moved to Jerusalem. The truth bomb Trump just dropped is going to leave a few former Presidents humiliated.

According to Daily Caller, President Donald Trump delivered a blunt message to his predecessors in his pre-recorded opening speech shown at the official ceremony of the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. Trump has managed to step on the toes of all three of the past Presidents who came before him, and in my opinion, he has no reason to stop doing it now.

Trump’s speech was truly historic. Our President proudly proclaimed America’s admiration for Israel and their significance as the homeland of our biblical heritage. I cannot remember any of our other three past presidents taking such an unabashed stand for Israel as our closest ally in the Middle East.
“Today we officially open the United States Embassy in Jerusalem, congratulations. It’s been a long time coming,” Trump said in reference to past administrations who promised to move the embassy but failed. “Almost immediately after declaring statehood in 1948, Israel designated the city of Jerusalem as its capital. The capital the Jewish people established in ancient times — so important,” Trump said, according to Fox News.

Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama all failed to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Each I’m sure had their own motives for not following through on that colossal commitment, but in a way, it’s very appropriate for a man of Trump’s character to finally be the one to get it done.
U.S. law has dictated since 1995 that the U.S. Embassy must be moved to Jerusalem. Every president dating back to Bill Clinton had pledged to follow through on the move.

“Today, Jerusalem is the seat of Israel’s government. It is the home of the Israeli legislature and the Israeli Supreme Court and Israel’s prime minister and president,” Trump continued. “Israel is a sovereign nation with the rights like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital, yet for many years, we failed to acknowledge the obvious, the plain reality that Israel’s capital is Jerusalem,” he added.

“On December 6, 2017, at my direction, the United States finally and officially recognized Jerusalem as the true capital of Israel. Today, we follow through on this recognition and open our embassy in the historic and sacred land of Jerusalem. And we’re opening it many, many years ahead of schedule. As I said in December, our greatest hope is for peace. The United States remains fully committed to facilitating a lasting peace agreement, and we continue to support the status quo at Jerusalem’s holy sites,” Trump continued.

“Including at the Temple Mount, also known as Haram al-Sharif. This city and this entire nation is a testament to the unbreakable spirit of the Jewish people. The United States will always be a great friend of Israel and a partner in the cause of freedom and peace. We wish Ambassador Freedman good luck as he takes up his office in this beautiful Jerusalem embassy, and we extend a hand in friendship to Israel, the Palestinians, and to all of their neighbors,” Trump said.
“May there be peace. May God bless this embassy. May God bless all who serve there and may God bless the United States of America,” President Donald Trump concluded. Trump’s speech for the ceremony of the Jerusalem Embassy is a great accomplishment for a man who has overcome tremendous adversaries and continues to battle the left on a daily basis to do what is right.

Trump didn’t seek the presidency to serve himself or to amass wealth like so many politicians before him. This tremendous accomplishment speaks directly to his purpose for solidarity with our allies and peace through strength with our enemies. Those principles are in direct contrast to the liberal and globalist agendas. It’s crucial for Trump’s supporters to gather strength and help him build a new team in Washington, D.C. which will put America first and continue to honor invaluable relationships such as the one we have with Israel.