Trump Just Got Priceless Revenge On Philly’s Sanctuary City Mayor Who He Caught On Camera
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Philadelphia’s Democrat Mayor Jim Kenney once again faces a plethora of scrutiny and backlash from taxpayers after what he just did. Kenney was spotted dancing in joy after he learned that a judge voted in his favor, which effectively supports the sanctuary city status. Philadelphia residents spoke out in dismay on Facebook, lambasting the Democrat mayor for punishing Philly residents with a soda tax and now this dance that was insulting to people, particularly anyone who was a victim of a crime committed by an illegal immigrant. Now the upset voters in Philadelphia have something else to talk about, but it wasn’t just the Philadelphians who spoke out about Kenney and his immature dancing that placed American lives second to those who are illegal immigrants.
The White House spoke out about the celebratory dance and mentioned that it was ‘disgusting’ that he would do that. Kenney’s potentially embarrassing dance for immigration went viral and came directly after U.S. District Judge Michael Baylson ruled that Trump’s administration can’t cut funding for the city based on their sanctuary city status. It seemed to revolve specifically around policies that had to do with the cooperation of local police with federal immigration agents.
Fox News stated: “Video tweeted by Philadelphia Mayor James Kenney’s deputy chief of staff showed him dancing with chief of staff Jane Slusser.
“Sanctuary city, yeh!” a giddy Kenney sings before high-fiving Slusser.
The White House was not impressed and drew attention to the crimes committed by criminal illegal immigrants who have been protected by sanctuary policies.
“Many people in Philadelphia have been k****d, r***d or assaulted at the hands of criminal illegal aliens,” White House spokesman Hogan Gidley told Fox News. “It’s disgusting the mayor would dance in celebration of a lawless decision that allows these dangerous criminals to roam free in Philadelphia communities and prey on innocent families and children.”
“Democrats’ Sanctuary City policy is reckless, dangerous and protects criminals, not law abiding American citizens,” he added.
The city has said it will turn over illegal immigrants to Immigration and Customs Enforcement only if the agency has a warrant signed by a judge.”
President Trump supports legal immigration and wants to work towards lowering the amount of illegal immigration. Trump has wanted his administration to cut off funding for cities who chose to harbor illegal immigrants and refuse to work with federal laws that might say they have to cooperate with immigration authorities and rules/laws.
Philadelphia has a lot of immigrants, but there’s also a lot of illegal immigrants as well. Some of the illegal immigrants have violent criminal records in which children have been harmed.”
It doesn’t stop there. In 2016 a staff columnist for, named Stu Bykofsky, wrote about a criminal illegal immigrant named “Ramon Aguirre-Ochoa, or maybe Juan Ramon Vasquez” who was charged with raping a child. The criminal illegal immigrant had multiple names, was arrested, released, and somehow in Philadelphia illegally. Bykofsky talks about the sanctuary city status that was reversed in 2014 by then Mayor Nutter. It was Mayor Jim Kenney who came along and turned Philadelphia BACK into a sanctuary city, thus putting some people in danger as the criminals would no longer be mentioned to the immigration agents (at least that’s what it seemed like).
Stu Bykofsky stated something somewhat shocking about a s*x offender illegal immigrant incident in Philadelphia:
“The multi-named defendant enjoys the presumption of innocence. Should he be convicted on current charges, I’m laying the agony of the victim at the feet of former Mayor Nutter, who ended cooperation with ICE after years of being brow beaten by the enablers of those here illegally.
In one of his last (and most surprising) official acts, Nutter reversed his 2014 executive order and restored city cooperation with ICE. I don’t know why he made a U-turn. He didn’t respond to requests for comment. Maybe he suddenly came to his senses and realized turning foreign felons loose is stupid and dangerous.
Little matter. In one of his first official acts, Mayor Kenney reversed Nutter’s reversal and restored Sanctuary City status.
It’s hard to imagine elected officials so anxious to coddle convicted foreign felons they would roll the dice with the safety of citizens, but Kenney is not alone.