Trump Made One Honest Statement About US Paralympics and Liberals Lose Their Freaking Minds

Trump Made One Honest Statement About US Paralympics and Liberals Lose Their Freaking Minds

And the mainstream media is at it again.

Since the media in this country can’t believe their eyes as to what is going on with the Korean Peninsula peace process thanks to President Trump, they have to attack him in another way. And this time that way is so asinine it’s just impossible to believe.

They are now accusing him of making an off-color remark while congratulating the U.S. Athletes who participated in the Olympic and Paralympic games in Pyeongchang last month.

President Trump said “What happened with the Paralympics was so incredible and so inspiring to me,” as he stood on the White House North Portico surrounded by members of the Olympic and Paralympic teams. “And I watched — it’s a little tough to watch too much, but I watched as much as I could.”
It’s 100% clear what President Trump meant. It was that he has a lot on his plate and it’s hard for him to watch the whole thing. So he watched as much as he was able to watch, just like all of us working folks did. But of course, the usual suspects such as “Time” have to cut out the context.

So the media did what it does best and riled up its minions in order to get them to attack the President. How quickly they forget things.

up. Here is your mainstream media fake news double standard. No one accused Obama of anything when he made fun of the disabled. But the media does its best to cut quotes out of context in order to attack President Trump. The very man who is giving us the best economy seen since the 60’s and the most peace our nation has seen since before 9/11.

Here is more on Obama’s gaffe via Fox News:

“President Barack Obama might have rolled a gutter ball on NBC’s “The Tonight Show.”

Toward the end of the interview on Thursday, Obama told host Jay Leno he’s been practicing at the White House’s bowling alley but wasn’t happy with his score of 129.

Leno complimented Obama on the score, but the president quipped, “It was like the Special Olympics or something,” which prompted laughter from the audience.

Deputy Press Secretary Bill Burton said the president’s offhand remark was not meant to disparage the Special Olympics, only to poke some fun at the commander-in-chief’s bowling skills.

“He thinks that the Special Olympics are a wonderful program that gives an opportunity to shine to people with disabilities from around the world,” Burton told reporters flying back to Washington with Obama aboard Air Force One.

A call for comment to a Special Olympics spokesman was not returned late Thursday.

Despite making fun of his score, the president appears to be getting better the more he visits the White House lanes, which President Truman installed in 1947. During a campaign p