Trump’s Top Republican Rival Surrenders, Endorses Donald For 2020

Trump’s Top Republican Rival Surrenders, Endorses Donald For 2020

How times have changed for the Republican Party.

Two years ago, in the spring of 2016, they had just concluded the most bruising Presidential primary season in memory (while Hillary was busy stealing her nomination).

Of the field of 17 candidates, Trump was the only non-politician, the only successful businessman, and the only billionaire.

No one gave him a chance, and yet he prevailed over all of them.

Now there are whispers that Republicans may consider putting Trump through the primary process for 2020 and stealing the Presidency out from under him.

But Donald’s most formidable Republican rival is making clear to America that times have changed because of Trump, and the party needs to be unified going forward.

From Breitbart:

“Would you be supportive of President Trump if he ran for reelection in 2020?”

[Ted] Cruz replied, “I certainly assume so. I was supportive of and campaigned for President Trump in 2016, and I am very encouraged with the substantive policy victories we are getting, whether it is an historic tax cut bill, whether it is regulatory reform that’s unleashing jobs, whether it is repealing the Obamacare individual mandate — which I led the fight to do in the United States Senate — whether it is nominating and confirming strong constitutionalists to the courts.

Well, that’s a resounding endorsement from someone who once was a bitter never Trump rival.

You may remember that Trump was realistically Trump’s only opponent left by April 2016, and the two exchanged some harsh words during the campaign season.

Even during the Republican National Convention, when Cruz gave his speech he stopped short of endorsing Trump, only to endorse him later that fall.

And now he’s encouraging everyone in the Republican Party to get back on the Trump Train—and what’s more powerful is he’s doing so because he has seen real conservative results from the man.

So how about you? Do you think any Republicans should run against Trump in 2020? Do you think Trump deserves another 4 years after his current time in office? Let us know below!