USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008

Kanjorski: “It would have been the end of our economic system and our political system as we know it.” Kanjorski’s bombshell begins to detonate at roughly 2:10 into the video. … 2012 Aleister Crowley eye all seeing pyramid 666 horus mi5 mi6 nazi hitler world portal Rothschild government trade center 911 september eleventh alex jones david icke 2001 conspiracy new order illuminati nwo nau rfid mark beast cia fbi nsa mason freemason occult satan satanism black magic war iraq bin laden lucas …

10 thoughts on “USA was 3 hrs away from Economic, Political Collapse in September 2008”

  1. $600 in utility bills — do you EVER turn off your friggin’ water faucet ?!

  2. There’s absolutely no regulation by the govt to protect the citizens. One credit card payment alone went up from $124 to $520 dollars after this happened. They have the right to change interest rates and terms without notice. Now they raised our state taxes, and heaven help you if you slide by a stop sign, you’ll get slapped by a $400 dollar ticket.

    Our indebted, bloated, corrupted govt is ********* the lifeblood out of the average Joe.

  3. Ya…Like I thought….were screwed!!
    Washington Broke the country and they will all pay!!!

  4. This is the evil part of the system. You do your part to conserve. Then the utilites say they do not have enough revenew they raise rates. The Tea party is comming.

  5. It doesn’t work like that, put simply the banks lend money to each other. To use your analogy, “a bank is a business”,if a competitor business shuts that could be good for you,yes. But if that competitor goes bust and owes your business money that is not going to be good is it?Also, when banks think other banks might be about to go bust they do not lend to each other because they do not want the risk of the debtor going bust and leaving them out of pocket and then the whole system breaks down

  6. who do these buffoons think they are kidding. Anyone who believes what the media is telling them is not in a position to make any difference. let their economy collapse. the end of the system as we know it is a good thing. Its a ***** system and should end. why should tax payers even be considered as the owners of bad assets? what a terribly unfunny joke.

  7. if you tell people that police are not out to protect you, but are the thugs of the government, they think you’re a radical.

    until they hear that a jay walking ticket A JAY WALKING TICKET is $1,000 in Las Vegas yes wtf is absolutely right.

    wtf does the govt need $1,000 from someone for? where is that money going? and that’s one person.

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