WARNING TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER … 2012 Aleister Crowley eye all seeing pyramid 666 horus mi5 mi6 nazi hitler world portal Rothschild government trade center 911 september eleventh alex jones david icke 2001 conspiracy new order illuminati nwo nau rfid mark beast cia fbi nsa mason freemason occult satan satanism black magic war iraq bin laden lucas jesus devil worship secret society bohemian grove karl rove iran ron paul oil bush george islam opec rense red ice creations economy israel …


  1. I have reading and researching ALL of this for a while now, ALL of it, or what I thought was all, until something new popped up. So much conspiracies out there, so much cover up.

    I have to say………..I am scared to death! I feel horrible, i’m the kind of guy who is not blessed to be strong enough to fight, and always needed help. Where can we go to resist the NWO? Why does it have to be this way?

  2. you can go to fellow people with the same idea of resisting and organize
    if organized no way any thing can fail

  3. As much as it makes me feel happy that people out there are aware of whats going on. As much as I am pissed off and want to destroy the NWO, I realize that we cannot beat them with violence. If they come to your house to take you then defend your family the best way you know how. If that is shooting them all than so be it. There has got to be a better way and we must find it. Maybe if we can oust the north American governments, maybe if we stop using money, I dunno yet hopefully GOD shows us how

  4. LOL. God bless America! lets take down a tirant to replace it with another one who promises death and violence! yeeehaaa XD

  5. to all you bible thumpers. the bible was written and rewritten by man. dont believe every thing you read. i dare you to question the bible. as i said it is written by man, fear is used to control the people through the bible. think about it.

  6. ROFL WOO SCARY!! Hi, this is the NWO, you’ll do nothing and like it peons! WE GOT A ******** MILITARY PAL, YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? BOMBS, AIR FORCE, TANKS, NAVY. YOU PEONS HAVE NOTHING. NOT A SNOWBALLS CHANCE IN HELL. See in 1776 everyone at least had similar weapons, not so in 2009! Im not saying dont do the whole “patriot” thing or blah blah or give up, im saying WHO GIVES A *****? REALLY. we dont! lol peons have NO choice in ANYTHING.

  7. hey bro

    but that doesnt He that doesnt exists
    i know there are contradictions but there is also the the truth. search for the truth and you will find truth!

    peace 1of1000

  8. What you just said is known as Determinism, which in turn means your life is meaningless in relation to god due to the reasoning that everything has been pre-determined, ergo no free will, and no “redemption”. That means, according to you, you’re going to be “dead in your sins” forever. Next time you start an argument praising God make sure you don’t defeat your own point buddy.

  9. just know america is wakeing up if iran can fight for justice we can too as our fore fathers taught us

  10. job1201204 I was exactly like you. Enjoy your life as it is. And when and if they come for you take up a firearm.

  11. What the creator of this video doesn’t understand
    is that the Bible says that these things WILL take place including the number of the beast (Computer chips in Hands) . This all must happen because the bible says it will happen. If it doesn’t happen , that makes God a Liar. So there is nothing Anybody can do to stop the NWO. Becasue we all know God is not a liar.

  12. I’m trying to figure out the song that is playing in the background while you are speaking. Could anyone help me out? Does any one know what its called? thanks. Thanks for the vid guys.Mike.

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