WATCH: All Hell Breaks Loose After MSNBC Host Attacks Gingrich’s Wife On Live TV

WATCH: All Hell Breaks Loose After MSNBC Host Attacks Gingrich’s Wife On Live TV
MSNBC is without a doubt one of the most left-leaning channels on television. They never fail to pull out the personal insults and accusations when they run out of stuff to say, and it is DISGUSTING.

Taking a break from Trump-bashing, Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough directed his hate at Newt Gingrich and his wife, Callista, instead. He accused Newt of selling out to Trump so that Callista could get a top administration post. Newt fired back when interviewed about it on Justice with Judge Jeanine Pirro, saying that he’s been a Trump supporter from the start and Scarborough is the “prostitute,” not him!

We cannot even begin to imagine why Scarborough would say something so ridiculous to Newt, especially about HIS WIFE. It is downright insulting, and he had EVERY right to retaliate on the spot. The Left always uses the same formula when they feel like they are unable to prove their point.

Liberals start by making wild claims that make no sense. If the target doesn’t take the bait, then they will escalate their accusations until the person on the other end has no choice but to react. After they are proven wrong, they start with the personal attacks.

Joe felt upstaged, so his response was to attack Newt’s wife. There used to be some semblance of integrity when people reported the news. Now, liberals have turned it into a sick, Hunger Games type of reality show.
It is about as scripted as a reality show, too. These mainstream media outlets go out of their way to put people on their shows that they want to paint in a bad light. Once they have them on, they try to force them to break, therefore looking like a bad person and unstable.

In this example, Gingrich did the right thing — he didn’t take the bait. Instead, he sat there patiently and waited for the chance to prove his point later on FOX with Judge Pirro.

We are living in a time OVERFLOWING with fake news. We have watched story after story pour from the mainstream Leftist organizations that are just ludicrous. Anyone with half a brain would read or listen to the headline and think they are joking.

As an example, when Scarborough thought he was going to be clever and call Newt and his wife prostitutes, he KNEW that was an idiotic and offensive word to use in that instance, especially unprovoked. Joe did it anyway for the reactions. If he wants to call people prostitutes, maybe he needs to have a long, hard look in the mirror.

This man sold his soul to the Democrats, and nothing he says or does on TV is in his own words anymore. He is merely a puppet for the network; they love to “put him on the streets” every single day. If you want to make it as a liberal journalist, all you have to do is love to lie, lack any standards, and hate this country. Joe certainly seems to fit the bill.

Watch the video below: