Watch an Awkward and Funny Moment From ‘Downton Abbey’ | Anatomy of a Scene

Order, structure and manners get momentarily derailed in one comic moment from the “Downton Abbey” movie.

The king and queen are paying a visit to the estate, and the Downton staff are eager to serve them. The only wrinkle is that the royals are arriving with their own domestic help, so they won’t get the benefit of Mrs. Patmore’s cooking.

The Downton servants beg to differ. They devise a plan to take back their rightful places by sidelining the royal staff. In this scene, one Downton servant, Molesley (Kevin Doyle), speaks up to let the king know that the evening’s meal is indeed the work of Mrs. Patmore after all. The moment quickly becomes quiet and awkward. Narrating the sequence, the director Michael Engler explains the steps he took to create the maximum comic effect.

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