WATCH: Black Grandma EXPOSES Democrats’ Plan to Enslave People. WAKE UP, AMERICA.
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The Democrats have gone overboard and are starting to push real Americans out of their party. They have been taken over by radicals.
“I’ve waken up, I’ve seen the truth, and the truth is Trump – I believe in this guy to make our country better,” explains a black Grandma and former Democrat. Adding, “The Democrats are crazy. God, I can’t believe I thought that way!”
This Grandma was convinced to vote for President Trump because the Democrats refuse to tackle the real issues facing our country.
Specifically, the woman in the video thinks our borders and the rate of black unemployment are out of control. She believes we need to regain control of our economy and our borders.
The mainstream media mocked President Trump for his simple appeal to black voters. “What the hell do you have to lose?” he asked while on the campaign trial last year.
Black Americans have been the butt of the joke of the Democrat Party since Pres. Lyndon Johnson joined Republicans to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to win over the black vote.
Historically, Democrats were the party that supported slavery in opposition to Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party.
However, everything changed in the 1960s, and black Americans started to vote almost exclusively for Democrat candidates. Democrats quickly gained control of majority black communities sending them into financial and moral ruin.
Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore all owe their current predicaments to Democrat governments voted in by black communities. The Democrats rely on a strategy of accusing Republicans of racism and giving away other peoples money in the form of welfare to buy votes and create dependency.
At first glance, this seems to be a strategy based on generosity, but in reality, it is a dark form of enslavement that keeps welfare recipients “in their place” and dependent on the government.
Fortunately, black Americans are starting to wake up to this charade and are coming out for President Trump in record numbers. Black Americans officially have nothing left to lose.