WATCH: Black Marine Goes OFF, Exposes Black Lives Matter Movement In VIRAL Video

WATCH: Black Marine Goes OFF, Exposes Black Lives Matter Movement In VIRAL Video
On Sunday, former member of the U.S. Marine Corps shared a video in which he talks about white people, and its trending fast.

Michael Whaley, 27-year-old black man, and by seeing the video, he’s surely fed up of the way #BlackLivesMatter people have been acting recently. He talks about serious issues, calling them the “racist” movement, and explaining that it absurd to attack the white people for something that happened centuries ago and pointing out that they have fought and died for blacks.

“This Black Lives Matter movement only promotes racism,” Whaley begins “And now they’re encouraging black people to go and kill white people, because they want white people to feel what we felt 400 years ago. Newsflash: Were you living 400 years ago? Nope.”

“So how are you gonna let something from the past, that you never existed in, that you were never born in, affect your life today?” Whaley asked.

“All lives matter,” continued the Marine. He then placed the blame on the hateful rhetoric from the BLM movement, which stimulates “killing white people” for the grisly public execution of Deputy Darren Goforth as he pumped fuel at a Texas gas station.

“That police officer’s life mattered. That 9-year-old girl in Ferguson, Missouri, that got shot in the head while she was doing her homework in a drive-by shooting that none of y’all protested — her life mattered,” He added. Explaining that he has been the target of

Whaley explained that he’s been the target of hostility from others in the black community, who “slandered” him for his views on the issue and called him such names as an “Uncle Tom,” a “house n**ger,” and more, but he doesn’t care. “I had drill instructors in boot camp that had better insults than y’all,” he added.

“The reason I don’t have a lot of black supporters — I’m going to tell you the God’s honest truth. The reason why I don’t have a lot of black supporters is because black people can’t accept the truth about themselves. Black people admitting to the truth is like them snitching on themselves, and black people have this no snitching rule.” “So I’m not gonna have any black supporters,” Whaley said. “Because they can’t openly admit the truth. They’re going to deny it until they die.”
He pointed out two people who died supporting Martin Luther King Jr., and told them to “do some research.” “This racism has to stop, and y’all wanna blame white people for the stuff that’s going on today?” said Whaley.

“No. The reason why a lot of black people are locked up is because black people do dumb crimes.” Whaley ended his message by requesting for unity among the races and likening our society to the military, where “we don’t see color.”

He continued, “The only thing we see in the military is family, and that’s what Americans need to be like.”

It hopeful to see someone like Whaley come out so strongly against the hatred and racism endorsed by the BLM movement.

Here is the video: