WATCH Fed Up With James Comey’s Pathetic Excuses, Trey Gowdy Drops The Bomb

WATCH Fed-Up With James Comey’s Pathetic Excuses, Trey Gowdy Drops The Bomb

North Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy is fed-up with former FBI Director James Comey and his pathetic excuses. In fact, the “Bulldog” was so enraged, he used an “f-word” as he delivered a brutal truth bomb you’re going to love.

According to Daily Caller, Trey Gowdy (R-SC) appeared on Fox News‘ Tucker Carlson Tonight on Thursday, April 26, 2018, to blast former FBI Director James Comey for his despicable behavior and pathetic excuses. One particular thing Gowdy finds infuriating is Comey’s definition of a “leak,” and the “Bulldog” didn’t hold back when telling Tucker Carlson exactly what he thought, saying what Comey calls a “leak” is a “felony.”

First, Carlson asked Gowdy what he learned from Comey’s recent interview on Fox News‘ Special Report with host Bret Baier, and Gowdy wasted no time in saying that corrupt FBI agents Lisa Page and Peter Strzok should have been fired immediately. “The two agents that were leading both the Clinton and Trump investigations should have been canned,” Gowdy said.
Then, Gowdy blasted Comey over changing his story on taking down former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn. “Director Comey’s recollection is flawed. If he does not remember telling Congress that his agents told him they didn’t think Flynn was lying, then he needs to get his lawyers to go back and look at the transcript. We did not mishear, maybe he misspoke, but that’s in the transcript,” Gowdy continued.

Gowdy followed up with a harsh comment on Comey’s double standards and lack of integrity. “The double standard that he’s had for the last couple weeks still exists. You know, [Hillary] Clinton can lie, and she ought to be President. [Andrew] McCabe can lie, and he’s still a stand-up guy, but [President Donald] Trump, boy if he tells any lies at all, then impeachment is too good of a remedy for him,” Gowdy added.
When Carlson asked Gowdy about Comey’s foggy memory in regards to who paid for the Steele dossier, Gowdy sarcastically replied, “He knew that Republicans paid for it, even though that’s inaccurate. So, if he learned about it in the Fall of 2016, then it was already known that the Democrats had picked up on that work, so whoever briefed him, why would you just say the Republicans started it but not also include the Democrats finished it,” Gowdy exclaimed.

After Gowdy blasted Comey for his false claims that former Trump campaign associate Carter Page is working for some foreign spy agency, he laid into the former FBI Director for his dishonesty and lame definition of a “leak.”

“The other thing that I will tell you, Tucker, that I learned tonight is Jim Comey has a definition of the word ‘leak’ that no one else has. What he says is a ‘leak’ is what the rest of us call a felony. Leaking is disclosing a confidential conversation, which is exactly what he did,” Gowdy concluded.
James Comey’s behavior, after being fired from the FBI by President Donald Trump, is nothing short of disturbing. His admissions about leaking, a colossal abuse of power while serving as the FBI Director, should have him fully investigated and prosecuted. Comey shouldn’t be given a pass just because he was one our government’s most powerful elites for a time.

President Trump set out to drain the swamp of people like James Comey for the kind of dishonesty and lack of integrity that Trey Gowdy described during the interview with Tucker Carlson. As our President continues to face a daily battle with Democrats, the deep state, and the mainstream media, it’s crucial for American patriots to continue supporting him.
The key thing here to remember is that if the left is allowed to undermine our fairly elected President and he falls, then we all suffer and fall with him. The next time you see an article or news broadcast attacking Trump, remember that we didn’t put him in office to be a boy scout; we wanted a fighter, and that is exactly what we got.