WATCH Ingraham Just Returned To Fox After Hogg’s Tantrum – Delivers Scathing Message That Has Him On

WATCH Ingraham Just Returned To Fox After Hogg’s Tantrum – Delivers Scathing Message That Has Him On Edge

Since the tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida in early February, the left has been pushing hard for more gun control as a solution to gun violence in America’s schools. For the past month, these eager gun grabbers have used that particular atrocious act of violence and others before it to tug at the heartstrings of Americans and are now employing the help of the brainwashed youth.

Over the last several weeks, many teenagers who survived the Parkland shooting have been plastered all over social media and the mainstream news demanding that law-abiding gun owners turn in their guns to make America safe again. One of the most vocal of these anti-second amendment teenagers is David Hogg, a senior from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who has been leading the charge against the NRA and legal gun owners.

While many political pundits and other news anchors cower at questioning the brash teenager, Fox News anchor Laura Ingraham was not afraid to engage with outspoken Hogg. However, Hogg did not appreciate the criticism and decided to behave as children do by throwing a temper tantrum, demanding that advertisers drop Laura Ingraham in a massive boycott. Sadly, many of these companies cut Ingraham, but that has not stopped the spunky commentator one bit.

On Monday, Ingraham returned to Fox News after a well-deserved Spring Break vacation with her family and delivered a scathing message to Hogg that has the crass teen on the edge of his seat.
David Hogg raised a defiant fist during the March for Our Lives event last month. The heavily funded left-wing march focused on stricter gun laws and blaming the NRA for the gun violence in the country.
There was a time in our country that people could agree to disagree no matter what their political affiliation was, but that was then. Now, we have an entire generation of young people who if you do not agree with them or their narrow line of thinking they immediately attack and do whatever they can to destroy their opposition. That dangerous and childish way of behaving has been increasing over the last several years and now it has reached a fever pitch. That was perfectly depicted last month when Fox News host Laura Ingraham dared to disagree with the opinionated youth who is angling to disarm millions of gun owners.

Instead of David Hogg dealing with the criticism, he decided to attack Ingraham by calling for his followers to boycott all companies who advertised on her show.
Sadly, many companies followed the lead of this arrogant teenager by dropping Ingraham, but that has not stopped her one bit. On Monday night, Ingraham was back in her seat and delivered a history lesson to these entitled teens that they will not soon forget.

Here is more from New York Daily News:

“The “Ingraham Angle” host opened her show with a monologue about “the left’s plot to silence conservatives,” which included a discussion of Dinesh D’Souza’s “Illiberal Education” and free speech on college campuses.

“The left’s propaganda shaped a new generation of young adults who then parroted that malarky about the patriarchy and microaggression and safe spaces. Today, they use these terms as bludgeons to intimidate those who disagree with them from entering the dialogue at all,” she said Monday night.

“So for all their talk of inclusion, the left doesn’t invite more voices to enter the public discussion. Instead, they drive out any dissenting voice and police the dogma of their own creation. Generations later, the chilling effect on free speech and the workplace in the media, and in society at large is palpable. We all feel it. And the situation may be worsening.”

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