WATCH: Maxine Waters Calls Trump Abnormal, Backfires After Conveniently Ignoring 1 Detail
Crazy Maxine Waters is at it again, doing what she loves best. The Democratic California Congresswoman attacked President Donald Trump at a speaking engagement this week, calling him “abnormal.” However, she conveniently ignored one small detail, and now, her pathetic rant against Trump has backfired big time.
“We’re talking about a president who not only does not deserve to be the President of the United States, but he deserves, in my estimations, to be impeached,” Waters said during a speech on Wednesday at the California African American Museum in Los Angeles, according to Breitbart.
“There are those that are scared of the word impeachment, and there are those who know he deserves to be impeached. But, are we going to sit here and wait for the next presidential election?” she continued. “I don’t think so. I don’t think so. He has done enough damage in the time he has been there … He is abnormal. He needs to be checked out to see if he’s crazy. So let us resist, resist, resist.”
Waters told the crowd that she is saying “impeach 45 every day” before leading the crowd in an “impeach 45” chant.
Waters finished her remarks by telling the crowd that they need to resist and that Trump, “needs to be checked out to see if he’s crazy.” [Source: NTK]
I suppose, in some respect, Waters is right. It is definitely “abnormal” for a president to accomplish so much in so little time. It is far more common for a leader to drag their feet, never delivering on the promises they made to constituents to get elected. That’s what Maxine Waters has done, after all.
It’s remarkable, really, that this woman continues to be re-elected, considering she has made an entire career out of doing little more than making appearances in which she slanders Republicans. If you ask me, that certainly doesn’t justify her generous salary, paid for by hard-working American taxpayers.
Trump, on the other hand, is not even accepting a presidential salary, choosing instead to donate every penny of the money he would have otherwise earned to various charitable causes. I suppose that level of generosity, benevolence, and love for one’s country is pretty “abnormal.”