WATCH: Pro-Trump Protesters Storm the Stage And Interrupt President Trump Assassination Play

WATCH: Pro-Trump Protesters Storm the Stage And Interrupt President Trump Assassination Play

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Just when I think the loons on the left could not sink any lower, they always find a way to surprise me. The latest and greatest from all those tolerant basement dwellers comes in the form of a play, taking place in Central Park where a mock assassination of President Trump takes place. When I first heard of this from a friend, I could not believe this was true. Last time I checked it is illegal to make a threat against killing the President of the United States. Later that day when I got home, I looked it up on the Internet, fact checked, and sure enough, there was this play depicting the assassination of President Donald Trump.

Imagine what would happen if this was President Obama. In either case, it is disgusting and highly irresponsible. Delta Airlines and Bank Of America have dropped their sponsorship of this monstrosity of a play. But imagine my shock when The New York Times and the Clinton News Network (CNN) stood by their sponsorship of this play. I’m surprised The New York Times with their subscription numbers in the toilet, along with CNNs’ ratings, even have the money to sponsor this trash.

Thankfully, there were some conservatives in the crowd who interrupted the play, with one yelling, “Goebbels would be proud! … Liberal Hate Kills!” When you think about this statement, my fellow conservative is right on the money. Look at what happened just recently on a Virginia baseball field to Steve Scalise and others who were in attendance. Or the violence perpetrated by ANTIFA. I have a relative of a Holocaust survivor in my family, and they mentioned that this looks just like the Nazis. And that is what the left has become, the modern day Nazi party dressed up like a sheep, blaming everyone for their woes, and using threats of violence and lawsuits if they don’t get their way.

Being sure that this play has to be against the law, I decided to research and find out for myself what constitutes a threat made against the President of the United States. And here is what I found in 18 U.S.C. § 871. “Several decisions have cast light on the scope of 18 U.S.C. § 871 and the requisite intent, which must be proved in prosecutions thereunder. Proof that threatening words were uttered in a context such that a reasonable person would interpret them as mere political hyperbole, idle talk, or jest indicates that the words do not constitute a threat within the scope of the statute. However, it is the view of the Department that an actual intent to carry out a threat is not a requisite to violation of the statute”. (Office Of The United States Attorneys – United States Department Of Justice).

While reading on through U.S. Attorney’s website it further states, “The United States Attorney should not decline prosecution on the ground of a lack of a defendant’s subjective intent to carry out a threat. If a prospective defendant’s conduct reasonably appears to amount to a serious expression of intent to inflict harm, action to prosecute should follow immediately. The need for prompt action in this type of case indicates the use of the complaint procedure unless some special circumstances require direct resort to the grand jury”. See for yourself here.

So here is the part where I’m trying to figure out why Kathy Griffin, Madonna, and these actors and producers of this play in Central Park, depicting a mock assassination of President Trump are not in jail? Madonna said she wanted to blow up the White House, and Kathy Griffin thought it would be a good idea to hold a decapitated head of President Trump ISIS style. Yet I’ve heard nothing about any of these has-beens going to the hoosegow. As conservatives and patriotic Americans we need to be calling the Department of Justice, our elected officials, and the United States Secret Service demanding that these people and groups be prosecuted. Maybe after they wind up in jail, the rest of the loony left will think twice, assuming they have any brain cells left to think with.

Yet I’ve heard nothing about any of these has-beens going to the hoosegow. As conservatives and patriotic Americans we need to be calling the Department of Justice, our elected officials, and the United States Secret Service demanding that these people and groups be prosecuted. Maybe after they wind up in jail, the rest of the loony left will think twice, assuming they have any brain cells left to think with.