WATCH: Remember When BILL MAHER Said Trump Was The Son Of An Ape?…Here’s What He’s Up To Today

WATCH: Remember When BILL MAHER Said Trump Was The Son Of An Ape?…Here’s What He’s Up To Today

Roseanne Barr got bad news when she learned that her show was canceled over her Tweet that targeted Valerie Jarrett (who?) and the entire incident has sparked a national outrage that forces the public to address a major double standard in which comedians from the left and right are treated after saying things that are subjectively offensive to those who wish to complain about everything. The major problem is when things become one-sided and those on one end of politics are considered offensive while those on opposing sides who say the same thing are not.

Roseanne compared Jarrett to a character from the Planet of the Apes movie, mostly based on her looks and similarities to a female character from the movie who has that childish looking short bangs bowl-headed haircut and made a reference to the Muslim religion. Surely some folks who are not fans of Roseanne were offended, however those who know Roseanne’s dark humor and how she’s sometimes offensive surely understood this was just an everyday thing for someone who tends to be on the more offensive side of comedy at times. Offensive comedy seems to be under attack because people keep begging to be offended and then complain about it right after, even if they’re not fans of the person they’re claiming was offensive.

It wasn’t that long ago that show host Bill Maher was trashing President Donald Trump and using language similar to that of Roseanne, but people who were fans of his clamored on about him being hilarious. Those who disliked his comments simply could not care less and they moved on with their lives. The major difference is that people who disliked Roseanne’s comments have wanted her to be fired and her show was canceled. Bill Maher didn’t lose much after his remarks, so the double standard is quite obvious.
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President Trump filed a lawsuit against Maher, but decided to drop it. It was simply a warning shot for Maher to watch himself and remember that he’s messing with the President of the United States.

Roseanne fans want Maher fired because he made similar comments.

Fox News reports: “Roseanne” fans have called on HBO to fire “Real Time” host Bill Maher in response to the comedian’s jokes that President Trump was part orangutan.

ABC quickly canceled the successful “Roseanne” reboot Tuesday hours after its star, Roseanne Barr, posted a racist tweet about former President Obama’s aide Valerie Jarrett. The tweet said Jarrett, who is African-American and born in Iran, is like the “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby.” Barr apologized for the tweet before her show was canceled. The next day, she appeared to blame the prescription pill Ambien for the tweet.

Following ABC’s announcement, Charlie Kirk, the founder of Turning Point USA, a right-wing nonprofit group, tweeted, “Wait, Bill Maher makes comparisons to Trump being a gorilla all the time? They get classified as ‘jokes’ by the media and he is of course allowed to keep his show and not have his life ruined. The difference? Bill Maher is a liberal, Roseanne is a free-thinking Trum