Watch What President Trump Did With This Marines Hat, It Will BLOW YOU AWAY
After being accustomed to watching a President dishonor our Military for 8 long years while Obama was in office, it is truly heartwarming to see small acts of respect such as Trump shows to the men and women of our Armed Forces wherever he goes, but the latest act of kindness committed by our 45th President is definitely one for the history books.
It seems like such a small action taken, and probably one that many of us would do without even a second thought, but it goes to show the true compassion and humanity in Trump’s heart.
It is a well-known fact that Trump’s approval rating among the military community is one of the highest in many years ad this is one of the reasons why. As President Trump is about to board Marine One after the G-20 summit, which was laced with much contention and strain, he notices that one of the Marine guards has lost his cap due to the wind from the helicopter and without missing a beat or making a big deal out of it he calmly walk over nd grabs if off the ground and then attempts to place it back on the soldiers head. The wind, of course, isn’t cooperating and the cap flies off again. For myself, the most astonishing part is that the President again takes off for the hat.
Obama would have never sullied his hands by picking that hat up let alone try to do it twice.
Even CNN had to acknowledge it:
The realness of Trump is what gives him such a connection with the American people and this is why he was voted into office. No more of the career bloodsuckers that we too often see rise to power only to disrespect and dishonor our country and all it stands for.
As the daughter of a 20-year Air-Force Veteran, the respect that Trump often shows towards our Military both active and retired gives me great hope for our future compared to the last 8 years of budget cuts and arming of the enemy against our troops by the former dictator, um..I mean, former President.
I know that Marine was beyond shocked and honored when Trump ran for that hat and placed it on his head and that is worth more than all the money in the world. Keep doing what you do Mr. President. All of the promises made and kept, and all the things being accomplished to truly make America great again are for sure not lost on We The People. We see it all and we truly appreciate having a man like you in the White House taking such amazing strides to better this country at the expense of your own life.
The media may try to smear you daily, but none of them could turn this action into something ugly and even that small thing is a victory in itself. God Bless America!
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