5 thoughts on “We Are All Aliens! – The Cult of Penn”

  1. if we could all just be test tube babies, we could start letting our skulls grow really really big. the only restriction on head size is a woman’s womb size. hmmm

  2. We manipulated aliens rule!…..but the ones we have f#cking around the joint through the centuries via bloodlines on earth need their scaley arses evicted!
    And they shall be…… :>) without a fight.

  3. I think it’s time to kick some gay alien reptile left leaning white er black assssses

  4. this is really good..lol…

    I made the statment that we are the aliens…LOL..

    It`s totally funny other understand this as well..

    And the commment below is right….Some aliens need evicted off the planet…

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