This very day I heard something on the news that should have all of us watching our backs. YES I MEAN WE SHOULD REALLY START WATCHIONG OUR BACKS!!! ***** OUR GOVERNMENT DECLAIRED THE NEWS AS AN ENEMY. *****Why should our government do such a thing and what is the reason. Why should the president step all over the FIRST AMENDMENT so boldly and outright trying to stiffen one point of view as he did, and to hear a congressman declare the news network the enemy of the state! TO ALL OF YOU THERE IS SOMETHING I REALLY NEED FROM EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU OUT THERE!!!!! Yes I need people that ARE strong and believes in themselves , I need a men or women that are true AMERICIANS and is willing to do a jobs that is next to impossible. I need a men or women that will stand up and be counted, yes the very people that will bring truth and honesty to the capital of this country. I need someone not likely to quit a job and never did the job for the people!!!. Yes look how Obama is trying to rewrite our constitution. THIS IS THE KIND OF THING I WILL NEVER DO, SO NOW WHAT AM I SAYIING ? Listen to this video and maybe you all will understand what I am asking of one of you out there. AND TOGETHER we can do what we must to help all the AMERICIAN people and bring their voices to WASHINGTON DC, the whitehouse,and especially to congress, both two houses. So I ask you all to listen very closely and help me find that person that will help me lead this nation and someday may be president their …