8 thoughts on “Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv 1/6:Obama’s Takeover of The Auto Industry & The End of The Unions !”

  1. pulpBleacher –

    Will blame put food on your table or gas in your car? No. I am an American and it is upsetting to me what this gov’t is trying to do to the people, but moping about certainly won’t accomplish much. I don’t sit around trying to figure out who to hate – it’s pointless. I think about what can I do to turn the tide and make things better. It is the banking system that is the key. It has to be changed. No more fractional reserves. It leaves too much room for fraud. =)

  2. I sorry that you mope about – but I meet with friends and talk to our younger generation about Austrian Economics and the history of our recent monetary policy. I refer to the Mises Institute for their honest, logical and thought lectures with some outstanding authors and economists.
    So the knowledge I do attain is accounted for but it is what I believe to be true – one must make their own mind up.
    I talk about Alex as well – he raises very real issues.
    Don’t be embarrased by America

  3. Ok…. Aaaaand Obama Is Putting It In Lightspeed! Ha Ha Ha, True Though. He’s On The Same Team. Peace…

  4. Yeah, I like that.
    I’m seeing Obama as becoming more arrogant. In regards to the torture memos, Obama said that CIA agents wouldn’t be prosecuted. Since when does a President have the power to decide who can or can not be prosecuted?

  5. dont you get it, the US government is working against the people!

    They say they love you, but they want to kill you!

    Secret murders!

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