Were the Anunnaki the Nephilim in the Bible?

extraterrestrials (aka “angels”?), who were an extremely long-lived race, potentially living as long as 500000 years. Laurence Gardner reduces this to more on the order of 50000 years, and notes specifically that the Anunnaki were not immortal. Sitchin and Gardner also disagree on the date of the Great Deluge/Flood; Sitchin assuming a time frame of 11000 BCE, while Gardner assumes one of 4000 BCE … 3600 year orbit planet nibiru sitchin 2012 pole shift anunnaki alien race ufo illuminati …

10 thoughts on “Were the Anunnaki the Nephilim in the Bible?”

  1. All religions are the same except for Judaism, Same message and incredibly similar allegories, all the same god.

    p.s This guy is a complete Shill.

  2. you have a point there… just imagine they come down and take all the gold the illumi-naughty have gathered over the years… roflmao

  3. Christ came because the physical being supposedly called Gabriel according to Jews came to earth & took Joseph’s seed & Mary’s eggs & these were taken back up into the Eternal City which was orbiting high above Jerusalem & was the ‘STAR IN THE EAST’ the 3 wise men saw… The Christ child was the incarnation of the “ONE LORD OF ALL ELOYHIM” (Creators) & he came to offer a rescue from the coming supernova… Look at the SUNSPOTS & understand they are caused by a localised lack of hydrogen fuel…

  4. Not all quastion can be yet answered.

    Hell, how do we know if any quations have been answered correctly!

  5. I will say this. I totally believe what the Holy Bible says but there’s a ton of evidence talking about a tenth planet. The Bible does mention the sons of God having children with human women. I think they are in fact fallen angles/demons but who knows. We’re all going to find out real soon either way.

  6. very interesting,
    but what happend during the 300.000 years when the annunaki were on earth without the humans???
    the annunaki came to earth about 400.000 years ago, the humans were created about 125.000 years ago, what happend between this two dates???

  7. I’m still searching for intelligent life on earth.

    Every space adventure must establish its 1st base where natual nitrates exist: Peru/South America.

    The planet crossing is earth itself through the celestaial/terrestial cross of celstial mechanics that any astronomical society understands [Chinese, Babylonians, Mayans, Nostradamus, Jeremiah [33:25].

    12/10/11 the cycle of the “fixed pattern of the heavens” begins anew.

  8. we’ll if they come back in 2012 i’m pointing there asses straight to FORT KNOX alien gold gangsters. nice

  9. umm nah!! in the bible god did send his sons down but he told them not to mate with the human women..but they did and GOD took back their powers and they lived as frail human beings and died that way…so they couldnt have killed their children…and if they were GODS theres no way the could have died

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