What Happens When AI Takes Over?

There is no denying the fact that we all exist today in the age of..
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artificial intelligence, and while this era is only just beginning, many of us will live to see AI develop to a point where it permeates all human society. But how far can AI possibly go? As robots continue to take manual labour jobs around the world, many people are understandably concerned as to whether there will be enough blue collar positions available in the coming years. Education systems the world over are geared up to do one thing above all else; make you employable. But what happens when the skills you’ve been taught are no longer relevant and the jobs you’ve been trained for no longer exist? Imagine if you were sending a romantic text slash booty call to someone one day and in the middle of typing it out Siri pipes up: “Hey there, I see you’re trying to get laid. Would you like some assistance?” “Well sure Siri, help a player out.” What do Stephen Hawking, Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates and Elon Musk all have in common – aside from being brilliant minds and incredibly rich, obviously.