What Might a Civil War Look Like? Matt Bracken on The Hagmann Report 6/29/17

There are many keyboard warriors itching for a civil war in the U.S. Some even type “bring it on” and post to popular Internet forums and comment boards. But do they really know what they are asking for?

Matt Bracken has seen civil wars in various countries where he’s served in our armed forces. He’s been there, and it ain’t pretty.

This is an important broadcast that anyone wanting to understand the war of ideologies taking place right now – the cultural war we are seeing within the United States – should hear.

Original broadcast date: 6/27/17

Matt Bracken’s website: https://www.enemiesforeignanddomestic.com

Follow Matt on Twitter: @MattBracken48
Follow Doug Hagmann on Twitter: @HagmannPI

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