Dirty Cash – nothing inspires right wing politicians more than that mighty dollar. For the right price, they will promise any product. They have sold their souls to the deep pockets of their sugar daddy benefactors. Now they are the property of the highest bidder. Power for sale, and it’s not very diffuicult to meet their price. A billion dollar political cmapaign run by spinners and twisters who are not subject to fact checkers and who reserve the right to say whatever they damn well please, even if their “facts” fabricated from thin air. When Paul Ryan claimed he ran a Marathon in under 3 hours, when it was more than 4 hours, he lost all credibility. To tell such a bold lie just for the purpose of bragging is beneath any intelligent adult. Paul Ryan has practicly ended hi political career when it became more and more obvious that he tells lies comfortably and constantly. Mitt Romney has met his soul mate. An apprentice to his shifty craft of charlatanry. Too bad their talents are not in line with the qualities required to be President of the United States of America. They must have misread the job description. We are looking for a Commander in Chief, not another CEO for Bain Vulture Capital. Honest mistake? Oh well, keep looking for another day job, fellas! You won’t be living in the White House….ever! You can take that bet right to the bank! London Bookies are giving 4:11 odds, you can bet against yourselves and win a few bucks. Bet on Obama to lose, and so will YOU …