POTUS Donald Trump’s base of hardcore super-duper acoilyte Trumpeteer supporters is in colossal uproar over his decision to sign a $1.3T spending measure which puts more money towards walls being built in other countries than the wall that was Trump’s centerpiece campaign promise. Heavens!
Paul Joseph Watson notes that “[d]espite suggesting he would veto the bill earlier in the day, Trump signed it hours later while complaining that in future he would call on Congress to, ‘give me a line item veto for all government spending bills.'”
Trump said the $1.6 billion the bill made available for the wall along the Mexican border only equates to “short term funding, but it’s immediate.” “We’re going to be starting work literally on Monday” on border wall projects, Trump said.
These words did little to silence the concerns of Trump’s base, which reacted with a mixture of deep disappointment and outright fury.
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