While Democrats Cheered Barbara Bush’s Death, Melania Trump Made A Classy Gesture

While Democrats Cheered Barbara Bush’s Death, Melania Trump Made A Classy Gesture

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Respect and honor is quickly disappearing in this country.

Regardless of how one feels about an important personage, you’re supposed to at least respect their lives after death.

But the increasingly disgusting group of liberals in this nation can’t seem to grasp such mature concepts.

That’s why, upon the passing of former First Lady Barbara Bush last week, you heard horrendous leftists actually celebrating the news. It was a truly sickening display.

Well, at least we’ve got a First Family in the White House that understands what the words “respect” and “honor” actually mean.
We all know First Lady Melania Trump is a classy lady; her actions have spoken much louder than words over the past year or so.

And when she attended Barbara Bush’s funeral, she decided to bring two close friends from the Bush family as her guests. Via The Hill:

“First lady Melania Trump brought two White House staff members who were close to the Bush family as her guests to former first lady Barbara Bush’s funeral on Saturday in Houston.
Trump was accompanied by former White House head maitre d’ George Hainey and current White House usher Buddy Carter, the first lady’s office said.

‘She knew they were very close to the Bush family and wanted them to be able to pay their respects,’ spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said.”

Though this action does indeed speak louder than words, Melania added a few statements that were in line with her character:

In a statement following the service, Trump praised Bush as ‘a woman of indisputable character and grace.’

‘It was my honor to travel to Houston to give my respects to Barbara Bush and the remarkable life she led as a mother, wife, and fearless First Lady,’ she said.”

Yes, while liberals all around the country were actually smiling and laughing about Bush’s death, Melania was inviting some of Barbara’s closest friends to say goodbye.

This is the measure of a very classy individual. Isn’t it ironic that the leftists, who slam constantly pretend they’re sensitive and tolerant, are the ones totally devoid of any actual warmth?